TypeScript declarations for WordPress core that aren't provided by other packages.
This package is intended primarily for block theme authors and plugin authors who want to use block patterns or templates. These declarations capture many of the string literals blocks introduced, like default block pattern categories registered by core, so that you can write scripts or tools to validate or generate code.
npm install --save-dev @moonjellydigital/types-wp-core
yarn add -D @moonjellydigital/types-wp-core
bun add -D @moonjellydigital/types-wp-core
To use the types you'll need to import them into into your .ts
import type { corePatternCategory } from '@moonjellydigital/types-wp-core';
// Or this equivalent syntax.
import { type corePatternCategory } from '@moonjellydigital/types-wp-core';
Now you can use them to type your implementation code or extend them to make your own types.