
1.0.1 • Public • Published

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A simple native WYSIWYG/Rich Text editor for Angular 17

Nov-27-2019 17-26-29


demo | See the code in StackBlitz.

Getting Started


Install via npm package manager

npm install @moreiraadolpho/angular-editor --save


4.0.0 - for Angular v17

2.0.0 and above - for Angular v13.0.0 and above

1.0.0 and above - for Angular v8.x.x and above

0.18.4 and above - for Angular v7.x.x

0.15.x - for Angular v6.x.x


Import angular-editor module

import { HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import { AngularEditorModule } from '@moreiraadolpho/angular-editor';

  imports: [ HttpClientModule, AngularEditorModule ]

Then in HTML

<angular-editor [placeholder]="'Enter text here...'" [(ngModel)]="htmlContent"></angular-editor>

or for usage with reactive forms

<angular-editor formControlName="htmlContent" [config]="editorConfig"></angular-editor>

if you using more than one editor on same page set id property

<angular-editor id="editor1" formControlName="htmlContent1" [config]="editorConfig"></angular-editor>
<angular-editor id="editor2" formControlName="htmlContent2" [config]="editorConfig"></angular-editor>


import { AngularEditorConfig } from '@moreiraadolpho/angular-editor';

editorConfig: AngularEditorConfig = {
    editable: true,
      spellcheck: true,
      height: 'auto',
      minHeight: '0',
      maxHeight: 'auto',
      width: 'auto',
      minWidth: '0',
      translate: 'yes',
      enableToolbar: true,
      showToolbar: true,
      placeholder: 'Enter text here...',
      defaultParagraphSeparator: '',
      defaultFontName: '',
      defaultFontSize: '',
      fonts: [
        {class: 'arial', name: 'Arial'},
        {class: 'times-new-roman', name: 'Times New Roman'},
        {class: 'calibri', name: 'Calibri'},
        {class: 'comic-sans-ms', name: 'Comic Sans MS'}
      customClasses: [
        name: 'quote',
        class: 'quote',
        name: 'redText',
        class: 'redText'
        name: 'titleText',
        class: 'titleText',
        tag: 'h1',
    uploadUrl: 'v1/image',
    upload: (file: File) => { ... }
    uploadWithCredentials: false,
    sanitize: true,
    toolbarPosition: 'top',
    toolbarHiddenButtons: [
      ['bold', 'italic'],

For ngModel to work, you must import FormsModule from @angular/forms, or for formControlName, you must import ReactiveFormsModule from @angular/forms

To serve the fontawesome files, ensure that your angular.json contains the following asset configuration:

  "glob": "**/*",
  "input": "./node_modules/@kolkov/angular-editor/assets/",
  "output": "./assets/fonts/"

Custom buttons

You can define your custom buttons with custom actions using executeCommandFn. It accepts commands from execCommand. The first argument of this method is aCommandName and the second argument is aValueArgument. Example shows a button that adds Angular editor logo into the editor.

<angular-editor id="editor1" formControlName="htmlContent1" [config]="editorConfig">
  <ng-template #customButtons let-executeCommandFn="executeCommandFn">
      <ae-button iconClass="fa fa-html5" title="Angular editor logo"
                 (buttonClick)="executeCommandFn('insertHtml', angularEditorLogo)">



Input Type Default Required Description
id string - no Id property when multiple editor used on same page
[config] AngularEditorConfig default config no config for the editor
placeholder string - no Set custom placeholder for input area
tabIndex number - no Set Set tabindex on angular-editor


Output Description
(html) Output html
(viewMode) Fired when switched visual and html source mode
(blur) Fired when editor blur
(focus) Fired when editor focus


Name Description
focus Focuses the editor element


Name Type Description
AngularEditorConfig configuration Configuration for the AngularEditor component.


Input Type Default Required Description
editable bolean true no Set editing enabled or not
spellcheck bolean true no Set spellchecking enabled or not
translate string yes no Set translating enabled or not
sanitize bolean true no Set DOM sanitizing enabled or not
height string auto no Set height of the editor
minHeight string 0 no Set minimum height of the editor
maxHeight string auto no Set maximum height of the editor
width string auto no Set width of the editor
minWidth string 0 no Set minimum width of the editor
enableToolbar bolean true no Set toolbar enabled or not
showToolbar bolean true no Set toolbar visible or not
toolbarPosition string top no Set toolbar position top or bottom
placeholder string - no Set placeholder text
defaultParagraphSeparator string - no Set default paragraph separator such as p
defaultFontName string - no Set default font such as Comic Sans MS
defaultFontSize string - no Set default font size such as 1 - 7
uploadUrl string - no Set image upload endpoint https://api.exapple.com/v1/image/upload and return response with imageUrl key. {"imageUrl" : }
upload function - no Set image upload function
uploadWithCredentials bolean false no Set passing or not credentials in the image upload call
fonts Font[] - no Set array of available fonts [{name, class},...]
customClasses CustomClass[] - no Set array of available fonts [{name, class, tag},...]
outline bolean true no Set outline of the editor if in focus
toolbarHiddenButtons string[][] - no Set of the array of button names or elements to hide
toolbarHiddenButtons: [

What's included

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files. You'll see something like this:

└── projects/
    ├── angular-editor/
    └── angular-editor-app/

angular-editor/ - library

angular-editor-app/ - demo application


The documentation for the AngularEditor is hosted at our website AngularEditor


Please read through our contributing guidelines. Included are directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development.

Editor preferences are available in the editor config for easy use in common text editors. Read more and download plugins at http://editorconfig.org.


For a transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, AngularEditor is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.

See the Releases section of our project for changelogs for each release version.


Andrey Kolkov


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48.2 MB

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  • moreiraadolpho