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0.15.0 • Public • Published

Pocket SDK

Library for accessing data of natadeCOCO mobile app (Pocket) from natadeCOCO content app (App).

Pocket SDK


npm install @natade-coco/pocket-sdk

Version Compatibility

Pocket SDK Pocket
0.15.0+ 1.19.4+


import Pocket from '@natade-coco/pocket-sdk';

Pocket.getProfile(['name', 'email'])
  .then(profile => {
    if (profile) {
      const { name, email } = profile;
      console.log(name);  // ex.) 名無しユーザー
      console.log(email);  // ex.) example@natade-coco.com
  .catch(error => {
    console.error(error);  // ex.) userCanceled


error description
badRequest The API argument is incorrect.
unavailable The API is in unavailable state.
permissionDenied User has denied access.
userCanceled The operation was interrupted because user canceled it.
incompatible Client app is not running on Pocket (react-native-webview).
internalError Error has occurred inside SDK. Usually does not occur.


getProfile(params: string[]): Promise<Profile | undefined>

Get user's profile.

param type description example
params string[] Specify parameter names you want to get in user's profile. ['name', 'email']

Profile object

Only include those contained in params.

param type example
name? string '名無しユーザー'
fullName? string | undefined 'ナタデココ 太郎'
email? string | undefined 'example@natade-coco.com'
tel? string | undefined '012-345-6789'
image? string | undefined 'https://natade-coco.com/example.jpg'

getEthereumAddress(): Promise<string>

Gets user's Ethereum address like 0x1a2b..... The address is derived from the user's HD wallet (BIP44) with path m/44'/60'/0'/0/0.

requestSignJWT(serviceType?: string): Promise<string>

Get JWT signed by Pocket user for the service. The JWT exp is set to 24 hours.

param type description
serviceType 'AppHubService' | 'PaymentHubService' Service type as audience of JWT (default: 'AppHubService')

makeConnection(target: string, path: string, allows: string[]): Promise<string>

Generate a new DID document associated with the app, and return its URL.

param type description example
target string DID of the app 'did:ethr:0x1234...'
path string Path of the app '/orders/1'
allows string[] DID of users allowed to use target app ['did:ethr:0x5678....']

openInBrowser(url: string): Promise<void>

Open the URL in an external web browser.

param type description example
url string URL to open in browser 'https://natade-coco.com/'

share(content: ShareContent): Promise<void>

Share a text or file.


param type description example
text? string Text to share 'Lorem Ipsum'
file? File File object to share 'https://natade-coco.com/example.png'
param type description example
url string File URL 'https://natade-coco.com/example.png' ''
name? string File name 'example.png'
type? string File MIME Type 'image/png'

lockOrientation(orientation: string | null): Promise<void>

Locks the orientation of the device while the content is displayed.

param type description
orientation 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'landscapeLeft' | 'landscapeRight' | null Orientation to lock (null: unlock any orientation)



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