TSlint configuration used in @nlesc/react-scripts
TSlint ruleset which combines:
To use in create-react-app
we overridden several rules to make it compatible with webpack and have similar rules to eslint-config-react-app package.
Overridden rules
import-name, webpack allows for import of assets like svg and css
jsx-alignment, want linting on jsx
jsx-no-lambda, want linting on jsx
jsx-no-string-ref, want linting on jsx
jsx-no-multiline-js, want linting on jsx
jsx-self-close, want linting on jsx
member-access, everything that has no access modifier is public implicitly, so no need to specify public again
missing-jsdoc, not useful for an application, it would be for a library
no-any, not everything has to be to typed to allow for incrementally introduction of types for eg. 3rd party libraries
no-relative-imports, not practical for an application, it would be for a library because it has a package name
no-for-in-array, tslint in create-react-app does not do typecheck
no-reserved-keywords, redux requires
keyword for a action, the rule doesn't allow us to whitelisttype
so we disabled whole rule -
no-unused-variable:[true, "react"], allow React to be marked used by jsx tags
restrict-plus-operands, tslint in create-react-app does not do typecheck
- single, single quote because its less typing
- jsx-double, jsx-double because thats the html way
- avoid-escape, part of tslint:latest
- removed check-format, both camelCased and UPPER_CASED vars in same file
- removed allow-pascal-case, PascalCase is reserved for classes