Core API for communication with devices using NovaStar protocol.
Go to API documentation.
Using npm:
npm install --save @novastar/codec@next
or yarn:
yarn add @novastar/codec@next
- First, we need to create a connection, for this we need a stream (it can be a serial port or TCP socket)
import { connect, Socket } from 'net';
import SerialPort from 'serialport';
import { Request, Connection, DeviceType } from '@novastar/codec';
let connection;
// TCP socket
const socket = connect(5200, () => {
connection = new Connection(socket);
// Serial port
const port = new SerialPort('COM11', { baudRate: 115200 }, () => {
connection = new Connection(port);
It is recommended to use packages @novastar/serial and @novastar/net. They will contain helper methods to find connected devices
- Using this connection you can send requests to devices (Sending cards/Receiving cards/Function cards) and receive responses
// Create a request to read a single byte
const readReq = new Request(1);
readReq.deviceType = DeviceType.ReceivingCard;
readReq.address = 0x02000001;
readReq.port = 0;
const { data: [value] } = await connection.send(readReq);
console.log(`Brightness on the first receiving card connected to 0 port is ${value}`);
// And this way you can write data to the device
const writeReq = new Request([255]);
writeReq.deviceType = DeviceType.ReceivingCard;
writeReq.address = 0x02000001;
await connection.send(writeReq);
- Or you can create a session that implements some API methods. Since the native API contains more than 1000 methods, not all of which you will use, you can include the methods you need. See @novastar/native for details.
import { Session } from '@novastar/codec';
import '@novastar/native/build/main/generated/api/ReadGlobalBrightness';
import '@novastar/native/build/main/generated/api/SetGlobalBrightness';
const session = new Session(connection);
const screenIndex = 0;
const portIndex = 0;
const receivingCardIndex = 0;
// If `broadcast` is `true`, then there is no need to wait for an answer.
const broadcast = false;
const newBrightness = 255;
const currentBrightness = await session.ReadGlobalBrightness(screenIndex, portIndex, receivingCardIndex);
await session.SetGlobalBrightness(screenIndex, portIndex, receivingCardIndex, broadcast, newBrightness);
- Close the connection
connection.close() // or session.close()