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1.0.1 • Public • Published


Format user input and process only the characters valueable to your application. Use this plugin to format phone numbers, credit card numbers, and more in a way that is more friendly for your data handling processes.

This plugin makes the native libraries InputMask(Android) and InputMask(iOS) compatible with Nativescript.


npm install @nstudio/nativescript-input-mask

If you were using 0.1.x, please note the following breaking changes in 1.0.0 release:

  • Removed property extractedValue. Property text will keep that value from now on.
  • Added property maskedValue for retrieving the value with mask format.


Use by adding a mask property to an InputMask field. Masks can be changed on the fly, which causes the current text value to be re-applied to the new mask. Any characters that do not meet the mask criteria will be dropped.

Documentation for masks is below (from here).

Masks consist of blocks of symbols, which may include:

  • [] — a block for valueable symbols written by user.

Square brackets block may contain any number of special symbols:

  1. 0 — mandatory digit. For instance, [000] mask will allow user to enter three numbers: 123.
  2. 9 — optional digit . For instance, [00099] mask will allow user to enter from three to five numbers.
  3. А — mandatory letter. [AAA] mask will allow user to enter three letters: abc.
  4. а — optional letter. [АААааа] mask will allow to enter from three to six letters.
  5. _ — mandatory symbol (digit or letter).
  6. - — optional symbol (digit or letter).

Other symbols inside square brackets will cause a mask initialization error.

Blocks may contain mixed types of symbols; such that, [000AA] will end up being divided in two groups: [000][AA] (this happens automatically).

Blocks must not contain nested brackets. [[00]000] format will cause a mask initialization error.

Symbols outside the square brackets will take a place in the output. For instance, +7 ([000]) [000]-[0000] mask will format the input field to the form of +7 (123) 456-7890.

  • {} — a block for valueable yet fixed symbols, which could not be altered by the user.

Symbols within the square and curly brackets form an extracted value (valueable characters). In other words, [00]-[00] and [00]{-}[00] will format the input to the same form of 12-34, but in the first case the value, extracted by the library, will be equal to 1234, and in the second case it will result in 12-34.

Mask format examples:

  1. [00000000000]
  2. {401}-[000]-[00]-[00]
  3. [000999999]
  4. {818}-[000]-[00]-[00]
  5. [A][-----------------------------------------------------]
  6. [A][_______________________________________________________________]
  7. 8 [0000000000]
  8. 8([000])[000]-[00]-[00]
  9. [0000]{-}[00]
  10. +1 ([000]) [000] [00] [00]


Add the following lines to app/app.module.ts:

import { registerElement } from '@nativescript/angular';
import { InputMask } from '@nstudio/nativescript-input-mask';

registerElement('InputMask', () => InputMask);

Use like a TextField with a mask property and other event properties:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

	selector: 'ns-app',
	template: `
			<InputMask mask="([000]) [000]-[0000]" text="1235551111" (maskedValueChange)="onMaskedValueChange($event)" (completedChange)="onCompletedChage($event)"> </InputMask>
export class AppComponent {
	onMaskedValueChange(args) {
		// e.g. `(123) 555-1111`
		console.log('Masked value:', args.value);

	onCompletedChange(args) {
		// `args.value` indicates whether the field contains all mandatory characters.
		console.log('Completed:', args.value);

Note that masks can be bound and changed on the fly. See demo app for a working implementation.


The InputMask class extends TextField and implements the following additional properties:

Property Default Description
mask "" The mask property to apply to text entered into the field.
maskedValue "" A formatted value of original input using mask.
completed false Indicates whether all mandatory characters have been filled.


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004

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