Javascript library to apply css custom properties depending on the scroll position, allowing to create scrolling efects like parallax. It has the following features:
- No dependencies
- Superlight
- High performance
- Follows the progressive enhancement strategy
- Built with ES6, so you may need a transpiler for old browser support
It's inspired by basicScroll library but lighter and with better performance, in order to be more flexible and customizable.
- NPM or Yarn to install the package and the dependencies
- Any browser supporting the following APIs:
- Intersection Observer API to detect when the elements are visible in the viewport.
- requestAnimationFrame to perform the animations.
- MediaQueryList to observe elements while a media-query is true.
npm install @oom/scroll-styles
import Scroll from './vendors/@oom/scroll-styles/src/scroll.js';
const scroll = new Scroll();
//Register an element to observe
const element = document.querySelector('.parallax');
scroll.observe(element, {
name: '--scale', // Name of the custom property
element: [0, 1], // [from, to] element intersection (0 = top, 1 = bottom, 0.5 = middle, etc)
viewport: [1, 0] // [from, to] viewport intersection
media: '(min-width: 500px)' // Observe only while this media-query is true
//Custom handler, if you want to do more things that just update the property
handler(element, scale, options) {
element.style.setProperty(options.name, scale);
//Remove an element
//Remove all elements
The --scale
variable is a float number between 0 and 1, so you can use it in the css code:
.parallax {
/* Use the value as is */
opacity: var(--scale, 1);
/* Use calc() to convert to other units */
transform: translateY(calc(var(--scale, 1) * 50rem));
To run the demo, just clone this repository, enter in the directory and execute:
npm install
npm start
You should see something in http://localhost:8080/
There's an online demo here: https://oom-components.github.io/scroll-styles/