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1.3.3 • Public • Published


Papercups chat widget

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Available at https://app.papercups.io/demo



npm install --save @paglipay/chat-widget


First, sign up at https://app.papercups.io/register to get your account token. Your account token is what you will use to pass in as the accountId prop below.

Using in HTML

Paste the code below between your <head> and </head> tags:

  window.Papercups = {
    config: {
      // Pass in your Papercups account token here after signing up
      token: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx',
      // Specify a Papercups inbox
      inbox: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx',
      title: 'Welcome to Papercups!',
      subtitle: 'Ask us anything in the chat window below 😊',
      newMessagePlaceholder: 'Start typing...',
      primaryColor: '#13c2c2',
      // Optionally pass in a default greeting
      greeting: 'Hi there! How can I help you?',
      // Optionally pass in metadata to identify the customer
      customer: {
        name: 'Test User',
        email: 'test@test.com',
        external_id: '123',
        metadata: {version: 1, plan: 'premium'}, // Custom fields go here
      // Optionally specify the base URL
      baseUrl: 'https://app.papercups.io',
      // Add this if you want to require the customer to enter
      // their email before being able to send you a message
      requireEmailUpfront: true,
      // Add this if you want to indicate when you/your agents
      // are online or offline to your customers
      showAgentAvailability: true,

Using in React

Place the code below in any pages on which you would like to render the widget. If you'd like to render it in all pages by default, place it in the root component of your app.

import React from 'react';

import {ChatWidget} from '@paglipay/chat-widget';

// You can also import the following in v1.1.0 and above:
// import {ChatWidget, ChatWindow, Papercups} from '@paglipay/chat-widget';
// The `ChatWindow` component allows you to embed the chat however you want,
// and the `Papercups` object provides access to functions that can programmatically
// open/close the chat widget, e.g.:
// `Papercups.open()` // => opens the chat widget
// `Papercups.close()` // => closes the chat widget
// `Papercups.toggle()` // => toggles (opens or closes) the chat widget

const ExamplePage = () => {
  return (
        Put <ChatWidget /> at the bottom of whatever pages you would
        like to render the widget on, or in your root/router component
        if you would like it to render on every page
        // Pass in your Papercups account token here after signing up
        // Specify a Papercups inbox
        title='Welcome to Papercups!'
        subtitle='Ask us anything in the chat window below 😊'
        newMessagePlaceholder='Start typing...'
        // Optionally pass in a default greeting
        greeting='Hi there! How can I help you?'
        // Optionally pass in metadata to identify the customer
          name: 'Test User',
          email: 'test@test.com',
          external_id: '123',
          metadata: {version: 1, plan: 'premium'}, // Custom fields go here
        // Optionally specify the base URL
        // Add this if you want to require the customer to enter
        // their email before being able to send you a message
        // Add this if you want to indicate when you/your agents
        // are online or offline to your customers


These are the props you can pass into your <ChatWidget /> React component, or the fields you can specify in your Papercups.config:

Prop Type Value Default
token string Your Papercups account token N/A
inbox string The Papercups inbox you would like messages to flow into (defaults to your primary inbox) N/A
accountId (deprecated) string Your Papercups account token (deprecated: use token field instead) N/A
title string The title in the header of your chat widget Welcome!
subtitle string The subtitle in the header of your chat widget How can we help you?
newMessagePlaceholder string The placeholder text in the new message input Start typing...
emailInputPlaceholder string The placeholder text in the optional email input Enter your email
newMessagesNotificationText string The notification text when new messages arrive and the chat window is closed View new messages
primaryColor string The theme color of your chat widget 1890ff
greeting string An optional initial message to greet your customers with N/A
awayMessage string Replaces the greeting message if outside working hours N/A
showAgentAvailability boolean If you want to show whether you (or your agents) are online or not false
agentAvailableText string The text shown when you (or your agents) are online We're online right now!
agentUnavailableText string The text shown when you (and your agents) are offline We're away at the moment.
customer object Identifying information for the customer, including name, email, external_id, and metadata (for any custom fields) N/A
baseUrl string The base URL of your API if you're self-hosting Papercups https://app.papercups.io
iframeUrlOverride string An override of the iframe URL we use to render the chat, if you chose to self-host that as well https://chat-widget.papercups.io
requireEmailUpfront boolean If you want to require unidentified customers to provide their email before they can message you false
isOpenByDefault boolean If you want the chat widget to open as soon as it loads false
persistOpenState boolean Persists the open state of the chat across pages false
hideToggleButton boolean Hides the toggle button in case you want to open/close programmatically false
hideOutsideWorkingHours boolean Hides the chat widget outside of working hours set in Papercups false
popUpInitialMessage boolean | number Pops up the initial greeting after number milliseconds (or immediately if true) false
customIconUrl string A link to a custom icon image URL N/A
iconVariant 'outlined' | 'filled' The style of the default icon outlined
position 'right' | 'left' The position of the chat on the page right
styles object Inline style overrides for chatContainer, toggleContainer, and toggleButton {}
onChatLoaded ({open, close, identify}) => void Callback fired when chat is loaded, returning some utility functions N/A
onChatOpened () => void Callback fired when chat is opened N/A
onChatClosed () => void Callback fired when chat is closed N/A
onMessageSent (message: Message) => void Callback fired when message is sent N/A
onMessageReceived (message: Message) => void Callback fired when message is received N/A


To build the project, run npm start in the root directory. (If you're running it for the first time, you'll have to run npm install first.)

npm install
npm start

To test it out, use the /example directory:

cd example
npm install
npm start

This will start a development server on http://localhost:3000 by default, and open up the example app in your browser.

Important notes

By default, the example widget points at development servers for the Papercups API (which runs at http://papercups.paglipay.info) and the Papercups chat window (which runs at http://localhost:8080). These values are set with the baseUrl and iframeUrlOverride props respectively.

If you want to develop against your account in production, you can update these values to the following:

  • baseUrl: http://app.papercups.io
  • iframeUrlOverride: https://chat-widget.papercups.io

(Note that you can also simply remove these props, since the values above are the defaults.)

You'll also want to update your account token to point to your own account. If you haven't already, create a free account at https://app.papercups.io/register to get started.

Once you have your account token, update the accountId prop to point at yours.


If you're having any trouble getting started or just want to say hi, join us on Slack! 👋

Submitting a PR

We welcome any contributions! Please create an issue before submitting a pull request.

When creating a pull request, be sure to include a screenshot! 🎨


MIT © Papercups




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  • paglipay