TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

6.1.0 • Public • Published


This package provides a PatternFly wrapper for the Monaco code editor, using the @monaco-editor/react package.


yarn add @patternfly/react-code-editor


npm install @patternfly/react-code-editor

[!NOTE] For TypeScript type definitions, this package uses the monaco-editor package as a peer dependency. So, if you need types and don't already have the monaco-editor package installed, you will need to do so:

yarn add --dev monaco-editor


npm install --dev monaco-editor

[!NOTE] For TypeScript type definitions, this package uses the monaco-editor package as a peer dependency. So, if you need types and don't already have the monaco-editor package installed, you will need to do so:

yarn add --dev monaco-editor


npm install --dev monaco-editor



It's strongly advised to use the PatternFly Base CSS in your whole project, or some components may diverge in appearance:

import '@patternfly/react-core/dist/styles/base.css';
import { CodeEditor } from '@patternfly/react-code-editor';

With create-react-app Projects

If you created your project with create-react-app you'll have some extra work to do, or you wont have syntax highlighting. Using the webpack plugin requires updating your webpack config, which create-react-app abstracts away. You can npm eject your project, but you may not want to do that. To keep your app set up in the create-react-app style but to get access to your webpack config you can use react-app-rewired.

First, install react-app-rewired as a development dependency:

$ npm install -D react-app-rewired

Next, replace all of the react-script references in your package.json scripts section with react-app-required:

 "scripts": {
    "start": "react-app-rewired start",
    "build": "react-app-rewired build",
    "test": "react-app-rewired test",
    "eject": "react-app-rewired eject"

You can now start your app with npm start and syntax highlighting should work.

To use monaco-editor as an npm package and avoid using CDN

The @monaco-editor/react package is built on the monaco-editor package, which will fetch some additional files using CDN by default. To avoid this, include monaco-editor as a dependency and insert the following into your code:

import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor';
import { loader } from '@monaco-editor/react';

loader.config({ monaco });

This may require the additonal webpack plugins such as monaco-editor-webpack-plugin. To properly install the library monaco-editor-webpack-plugin be sure to follow the plugin instructions

Enable YAML Syntax Highlighting

The Monaco editor doesn't ship with full YAML support. You can configure your code editor with Languages.yaml but there will be no highlighting. To enable YAML support you need to do the following:

First, install monaco-yaml:

$ npm install --save monaco-yaml

Next, at the entrypoint of your app enable it:

import { setDiagnosticsOptions } from 'monaco-yaml';

  enableSchemaRequest: true,
  hover: true,
  completion: true,
  validate: true,
  format: true,
  schemas: []

Finally, to allow the monaco-yaml autocomplete to function properly with @monaco-editor/react, you should configure your YAML schema in a beforeMount call with the monaco-yaml configureMonacoYaml function. This beforeMount function should be passed to CodeEditor via the editorProps property like so:

editorProps: {
  beforeMount: yourBeforeMountHandler

The monaco-yaml plugin has a lot of options so check out their docs to see what else you may want to add.

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npm i @patternfly/react-code-editor

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