
0.3.1 • Public • Published


Build tools for js projects. Includes tsconfigs, templates and CI workflows


There are two base strict tsconfig with a few interesting options:

  • isolatedDeclarations - ensures output is friendly to JSR.io
  • verbatimModuleSyntax - ensures files are friendly to "type erasure" / "type ignore" node.js and others.

GitHub CI workflows

Contains two workflows:


  1. Runs node.js tests on LTS versions
  2. Runs Bun tests (if test:bun exists)
  3. Runs Deno tests (TODO: do not run if no test:bun)
  4. Runs linter (if lint exists)
  5. Calculates code coverage from tests using c8

Options: submodules: true / false (default) - whether to clone repo with submodules.


  1. Publishes release on NPM
  2. Publishes release on JSR if jsr.json exists


  • build-path: string - path to build directory, which contains out dir, from which files would be uploaded to github releases
  • slow-types: true / false (default) - whether to allow slow types on JSR.io. Check jsr docs


Copy all files from repo-template when creating a new project. Then, edit EDIT_ME parts in copied files.

Libraries can have different structure. Edit it to your needs:

  • A library can be single-file (index.ts), or multiple-files (src directory)
  • A library can be ESM-only (one tsconfig), or hybrid ESM+Common.js (two tsconfigs)

Make sure to adjust package.json steps: lint, format, test, build and tsconfig


  • repo-template - files that should be copied when a new repo is created
    • .github - github ci workflows:
      • run npm tests on every commit
      • publish npm package on every release, using GitHub CI and provenance
      • upload standalone build files to github release, from build directory
    • .prettierrc.json, tsconfig.esm.json: prettier and typescript configs
    • LICENSE - MIT license
    • build - directory that uses esbuild to create a standalone build file that can be used in browsers etc
  • tsconfig - typescript config files that can be loaded through NPM
    • @paulmillr/jsbt/tsconfig.esm.json - ESM base config
    • @paulmillr/jsbt/tsconfig.cjs.json - common.js base config
  • jsbt.js - binary, provides helpers for build directory, such as reading package.json and transforming its package name into snake-cased or camelCased name. When installed through NPM, it can be used as npx jsbt. For example, for package "@namespace/ab-cd", it would emit:
    • npx jsbt outfile - namespace-ab-cd
    • npx jsbt global - namespaceAbCd


  • When prettier, tsconfig, esbuild are updated, adjust repo-template/package.json and repo-template/build/package.json
  • When node.js LTS is updated, adjust repo-template/.github/workflows/*.yml
  • When GitHub CI checkout action is updated, adjust repo-template/.github/workflows/*.yml
    • contents with actions/checkout@ will need to be set to new values
    • ensure it's commit ids and not tags, because tags are mutable (less secure)


MIT License

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  • paulmillr