In filmmaking, a change of scene is typically referred to as a "cut". Cuts are an essential part of film editing and are used to create a cohesive narrative by connecting different scenes together.
Let's define SPA application as a set of scenes (pages/visual states) and each scene discribes a visual elements on the page and possible user interaction ( mouse, keyboard, etc.). Cuts controls the flow among scenes in SPA application.
When all interactions can be described in the Scene data models, means that the components (react,vue, svelte or any other framework) can be used as simple template engines - to render only html.
npm install @peter.naydenov/cuts
import cuts from '@peter.naydenov/cuts'
const script = cuts ();
script.setScenes () // provide list of Scenes to the app
script.setDependencies () // add object to the "dependencies" object. This object will be passed to the Scene "show" method
// script is ready to use ({ scene : 'sceneName'}) // change the current Scene
setScenes : 'Provide list of scenes to the app'
, show : 'Change the current scene'
, hide : 'Hide the current scene'
, listScenes : 'List of loaded Scene names'
, listShortcuts : 'List shortcuts per Scene. Provide the name of the Scene'
, setDependencies : 'Add object to the "dependencies" object. This object will be passed to the Scene "show" method'
, getDependencies : 'Returns the "dependencies" object'
, enablePlugin : 'Enable a shortcut plugin. Available after version 1.1.0'
, disablePlugin : 'Disable a shortcut plugin. Available after version 1.1.0'
, emit : 'Emit an event. Available after version 2.0.0'
Scene is a data model that describes how to render the scene and how the user will interact with it ( mouse, keyboard, etc.):
show // method. Returns a promise
, hide // method. Returns a promise
, parents // list of parent Scene names.
// ... shortcuts for all user interactions with the screen ( mouse, keyboard, etc.)
// Shortcuts are implemented with @peter.naydenov/shortcuts
Scenes can be visible
(show) and unvisible
(hide), also some scenes can be a child of another scene. Every scene can be treated as a visual state of the application. All provided to script Scenes
are available on demand by calling them with a simple instruction show({scene:sceneName})
. What should be visible and what should be unvisible is managed by the library.
'@peter.naydenov/cuts' was created and supported by Peter Naydenov.
'@peter.naydenov/cuts' is released under the MIT License.