
4.1.0 • Public • Published

pHTML Image Size pHTML

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pHTML Image Size lets you automatically add image size attributes in HTML.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg">

<!-- becomes -->

<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="600" height="400" intrinsicsize="600x400">


Transform HTML files directly from the command line:

npx phtml source.html output.html -p @phtml/image-size


Add pHTML Image Size to your project:

npm install @phtml/image-size --save-dev

Use pHTML Image Size to process your HTML:

const phtmlImageSize = require('@phtml/image-size');

phtmlImageSize.process(YOUR_HTML /*, processOptions, pluginOptions */);

Or use it as a pHTML plugin:

const phtml = require('phtml');
const phtmlImageSize = require('@phtml/image-size');

  phtmlImageSize(/* pluginOptions */)
]).process(YOUR_HTML /*, processOptions */);

pHTML Image Size runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:

Node CLI Eleventy Gulp Grunt



The size option determines how width and height attributes are handled. By default, the option is set to "auto".

size: auto

When size is "auto", images with both width and height attributes set as something other than auto will be ignored.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="600" height="400">

Then, images with only one width or height attribute set as something other than auto will have their corresponding attribute set with the corresponding aspect ratio.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg" height="200">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="1200" height="auto">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="1200" height="800">

Then, images with both width or height attributes missing or set as auto will have both attributes set with the image original size.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="600" height="400">

size: intrinsic

When size is "intrinsic", images will always have their width and height attributes set with the intrinsic size of the image.

<!-- when { size: "intrinsic" } -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="300">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="1200" height="auto">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="600" height="400">

size: remove

When size is "remove", all width and height attributes are removed.

<!-- when { size: "remove" } -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="300">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="1200" height="auto">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">

size: ignore

When size is "ignore", all width and height attributes are ignored.

<!-- when { size: "ignore" } -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="300">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="1200" height="auto">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="300">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" width="1200" height="auto">


The intrinsicsize option determines how the intrinsicsize attribute is handled. By default, the option is set to "auto".

intrinsicsize: auto

When intrinsicsize is "auto", images with a missing intrinsicsize attribute will have it added.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" intrinsicsize="600x400">

intrinsicsize: intrinsic

When intrinsicsize is "intrinsic", images will always have their intrinsicsize attribute set with the intrinsic size of the image.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" intrinsicsize="300x200">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" intrinsicsize="600x400">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" intrinsicsize="600x400">

intrinsicsize: remove

When intrinsicsize is "remove", the intrinsicsize attribute is removed.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" intrinsicsize="600x400">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">

intrinsicsize: ignore

When intrinsicsize is "ignore", the intrinsicsize attribute is ignored.

<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" intrinsicsize="600x400">
<!-- becomes -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<img src="image-600x400.jpg" intrinsicsize="600x400">


The path option determines the path or paths used to resolve image sources. By default, images are resolved relative to the path of their HTML file.

<!-- resolved as `/path/to/image-600x400.jpg` within `path/to/index.html` -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">
<!-- when { path: '/another/path' } -->
<!-- resolved as `/another/path/image-600x400.jpg`, or -->
<!-- resolved as `/path/to/image-600x400.jpg` within `path/to/index.html` -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">

Image sources resolve in the order they are specified.

<!-- when { path: ['/another/path', '/and/another'] } -->
<!-- resolved as `/another/path/image-600x400.jpg`, or -->
<!-- resolved as `/and/another/image-600x400.jpg`, or -->
<!-- resolved as `/path/to/image-600x400.jpg` within `path/to/index.html` -->
<img src="image-600x400.jpg">

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  • jonathantneal