Webpack Node Task
This package exposes a task that runs a node process for webpack bundled code and supports hot module replacement.
npm i webpack @phylum/webpack @phylum/webpack-node
The webpack node task runs a node process from bundled sources. Note, that the webpack task will not be started automatically by the webpack node task.
import { Task } from '@phylum/pipeline';
import { WebpackTask } from '@phylum/webpack';
import { WebpackNodeTask } from '@phylum/webpack-node';
const bundle = new WebpackTask(...);
const node = new WebpackNodeTask(Task.value({
main: bundle
new Task(async t => {
// Run the webpack compiler:
await t.use(bundle);
// Start a node process:
await t.use(node);
Note that the node task assumes, that the main bundle has already been compiled.
Hot Module Replacement
new WebpackNodeTask(Task.value({
// Enable hot module replacement:
mainHmr: true,
main: bundle
// Import the hmr client somewhere in your main process code...
import '@phylum/webpack-node/dist/hmr';
// ...or add it to your entry point:
entry: ['@phylum/webpack-node/dist/hmr', './src/main.js'],
// Optional. Include the hmr runtime:
plugins: [
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()
If the hmr runtime is not included or an update is rejected, the main process will be rebooted.