
0.1.0 • Public • Published


The Speechace API offers capabilities for detailed speech analysis, particularly useful for language learning applications. With this API, you can assess users' pronunciation and fluency in English by analyzing audio inputs. In Pipedream, you can leverage this API to craft workflows that trigger on various events, process audio data, and perform actions based on the analysis—such as storing results, providing feedback, or integrating with other services for enhanced functionality.

Example Use Cases

  • Pronunciation Feedback System: When a user submits an audio recording through a form or chatbot, trigger a Pipedream workflow to send the audio to the Speechace API. Once processed, you can automatically send personalized pronunciation feedback to the user via email or messaging app integration like Slack.

  • Language Learning Dashboard: Compile and store pronunciation scores and fluency metrics in a Pipedream data store or an external database like Google Sheets whenever users complete speaking exercises. Use this aggregated data to create a dashboard that tracks progress and highlights areas for improvement.

  • Automated Language Assessment: Automate the process of language proficiency assessment by triggering a workflow that sends candidates' speech samples to the Speechace API during an online test. The results can then be used to grade the pronunciation part of the test, which can be sent to an LMS like Moodle or Canvas.



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