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0.1.6 • Public • Published


AI service prompter


  1. npm i -g @plastichub/osr-ai
  2. create a file with your OpenAI key, in C:\\Users\\TeleTubbie\\.config\\osr\\config.json, with the following content
    "openai": {
        "key": "some katbotisch key"

CLI parameters

  • --src : the path to a source file
  • --files : for binary files as images, please use this instead
  • --dst : the path to the output file (single quotes!), defaults to ${SRC_DIR}/${SRC_NAME}-output.md
  • --logLevel : warn|info|trace|debug|error|fatal, defaults to info
  • --filters : a list of filters to be applied Markdown JSONUnescape JSONPretty AlphaSort code JSONParse trim defaults to code (OpenAI returns Markdown escaped code sequences)
  • --cache : enable cache, when enabled (default), it skips the request when the destination file already exists
  • --model : OpenAI model, defaults to chatgpt-4o-latest, see official documentation or run osr-ai chatgpt --help

Example, describe the content of a file

osr-ai chatgpt prompt --source="./tests/chatgpt/pipe.txt" --query="whats in here, add a link to their homepage, check it and add a summary of their activities, as markdown table"


osr-ai chatgpt prompt --source=".tests/chatgpt/pipe.txt" --query="./query.md"

whereby ./query.md contains the query : whats in here, add a link to their homepage, check it and add a summary of their activities, as markdown table


cat tests/chatgpt/pipe.txt | osr-ai chatgpt prompt  --query="whats in here, add a link to their homepage, check it and add a summary of their activities, as markdown table"

whereby pipe.txt contains



Company Homepage Summary
abb Homepage ABB is a leading global technology company. They focus on electrification, robotics, and automation solutions.
bigtree Homepage Bigtree is a software development company specializing in web and mobile applications.
cead Homepage CEAD is a company that specializes in 3D printing and additive manufacturing solutions.
cidepa Homepage Cidepa is a manufacturer of industrial machinery and equipment.
kuga Homepage Kuga is an automotive company that designs and manufactures electric vehicles.
motovario Homepage Motovario is a global manufacturer of power transmission and motion control solutions.
nagami Homepage Nagami is a design studio specializing in computational design and digital fabrication.
siemens Homepage Siemens is a multinational conglomerate that provides a wide range of products and services in various industries.
teknic Homepage Teknic is a manufacturer of high-performance motion control products.

Example, describe the content of an image (Example)

osr-ai chatgpt prompt --files='./tests/chatgpt/files/2.jpg' --query="whats in here, as json" --dst='&{FILE_DIR}/&{FILE_NAME}-content.json`


  "image": {
    "people": [
        "handle": "@judi_wakhungu",
        "position": "left",
        "description": "A person wearing an orange shirt, a hat, and glasses, holding a phone."
        "handle": null,
        "position": "center",
        "description": "A person standing in the doorway, wearing a white shirt and a cap."  
        "handle": "@katatungo",
        "position": "right",
        "description": "A person wearing a white t-shirt with text, and black pants."        
    "textOverlay": "This door is not painted...",
    "door": {
      "description": "A rustic, two-part wooden door with blue and teal hues and a gold latch."
    "tags": [

Example, transform code

osr-ai chatgpt prompt --source="./tests/chatgpt/constants.ts" --query="rewrite this enum as object literal" --model=gpt-4 --debug

whereby ./tests/chatgpt/constants.ts contains

export enum SpainCities {
    Madrid = "40.4168,-3.7038,12",
    Barcelona = "41.3851,2.1734,12",
    Valencia = "39.4699,-0.3763,12",
    Seville = "37.3891,-5.9845,12",
    Malaga = "36.7213,-4.4214,12",
    Bilbao = "43.2630,-2.9340,12",
    Alicante = "38.3452,-0.4810,12",
    Zaragoza = "41.6488,-0.8891,12",
    Palma = "39.5696,2.6502,12",
    Murcia = "37.9922,-1.1307,12",
    Granada = "37.1773,-3.5986,12",
    Cordoba = "37.8882,-4.7794,12",
    Valladolid = "41.6520,-4.7286,12",
    Vigo = "42.2406,-8.7207,12",
    Gijon = "43.5322,-5.6611,12",
    Lleida = "41.6176,0.6200,12",
    Tarragona = "41.1189,1.2445,12",
    Cadiz = "36.5297,-6.2924,12",
    Almeria = "36.8340,-2.4637,12",
    Oviedo = "43.3614,-5.8593,12",
    Badajoz = "38.8794,-6.9706,12",
    Santander = "43.4623,-3.8090,12",
    Logrono = "42.4627,-2.4441,12",
    Salamanca = "40.9701,-5.6635,12",
    Pamplona = "42.8125,-1.6458,12",


export const BarcelonaTowns = {
    Barcelona: "41.3850639,2.1734035",
    Badalona: "41.453966,2.24487",
    "L'HospitaletDeLlobregat": "41.3618046,2.0977132",
    Terrassa: "41.5654824,2.0109316",
    Sabadell: "41.5441063,2.1068342",
    Mataro: "41.540977,2.4440367",
    SantaColomaDeGramenet: "41.4679772,2.2081475",
    CornellaDeLlobregat: "41.3666298,2.0971758",
    SantCugatDelValles: "41.4888889,2.1019444",
    Castelldefels: "41.2755556,1.995",
    CerdanyolaDelValles: "41.4913889,2.1169444",
    Granollers: "41.6072222,2.2686111",
    VilanovaIGeltru: "41.2155556,1.7383333",
    Viladecans: "41.3163889,2.0052778",
    ElPratDeLlobregat: "41.2971628,2.0700942",
    MolletDelValles: "41.5272964,2.1870736",
    Gava: "41.3166667,2.0666667",
    SantBoiDeLlobregat: "41.3669444,2.0569444",

Example, transcribe an audio file, to text

osr-ai chatgpt transcribe --debug --source="./tests/chatgpt/real.mp3" --dst="./tests/chatgpt/real.txt"

Example, create code for SCAD

osr-ai chatgpt prompt --query="create a scene, with all possible primitives, lined up along one line, for SCAD" --model=gpt-4 --dst="./tests/chatgpt/primitives.scad" --system="./tests/chatgpt/scad-system.json"

whereby ./tests/chatgpt/scad-system.json refers to the OpenAI assistant instructions, helping to reuse optimizations and rules:

        "role": "system",
        "content": "don't add footer comments"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "don't wrap it in markdown codeblocks"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "don't add header or footer notes" 
        "role": "system",
        "content": "comment all SCAD functions" 

Output (works perfectly :)

//Create a cube with side length 10 at origin
translate([-35, 0, 0])  
cube(10, center = true);  

//Create a sphere with diameter 10 at coordinate (20,0,0)
translate([-15, 0, 0])  

//Create a cylinder with height 10, lower diameter 10, upper diameter 5 at coordinate (40,0,0)
translate([5, 0, 0])  
cylinder(h = 10, r1 = 5, r2 = 2.5, center = true);   

//Create a polyhedron with vertices at (0,0,0), (10,0,0), (0,10,0), and (0,0,10) at coordinate (60,0,0)
translate([25, 0, 0]) 
polyhedron(points=[[-5,-5,-5],[5,-5,-5],[-5,5,-5],[0,0,5]], faces=[[0,1,2],[0,2,3],[0,3,1],[1,3,2]]); 

Example, summarize the code from above

osr-ai chatgpt prompt --source="./tests/chatgpt/primitives.scad" --model=gpt-4 --dst="./tests/chatgpt/primitives-next.scad" --system="./tests/chatgpt/scad-system.json" --query="whats this code doing, it's for OpenSCAD"


This OpenSCAD code does the following:

- Creates a cube with a side length of 10 at the origin, translated from the origin by -35 units along the X-axis. The cube is centered at this new location. 

- Creates a sphere with a diameter of 10 units, translated from the origin by -15 units along the X-axis.

- Creates a cylinder with a height of 10 units, a lower diameter of 10 units, and an upper diameter of 5 units. This is translated from the origin by 5 units along the X-axis, and the cylinder is centered at its location.

- Creates a polyhedron with vertices defined by the points (0,0,0), (10,0,0), (0,10,0), and (0,0,10). It is translated from the origin by 25 units along the X-axis.

In summary, the code creates a sequence of four different 3D geometric forms (a cube, a sphere, a cylinder, and a polyhedron). Each shape is positioned in a line along the X-axis with specifically defined spaces between them.

Example, convert C code to Javascript

osr-ai chatgpt prompt --source="./tests/chatgpt/math_statistics.h" --model=gpt-4 --dst="./tests/chatgpt/math_statistics.js" --system="./tests/chatgpt/scad-system.json" --query="Write it as Javascript"

whereby math_statistics.h is

// C++11 solution that is standards compliant. Return type is deduced automatically
template <class L, class R>
static inline constexpr auto MIN(const L lhs, const R rhs) -> decltype(lhs + rhs)
  return lhs < rhs ? lhs : rhs;
template <class L, class R>
static inline constexpr auto MAX(const L lhs, const R rhs) -> decltype(lhs + rhs)
  return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;
template <class T>
static inline constexpr const T ABS(const T v)
  return v >= 0 ? v : -v;
// Using GCC extensions, but Travis GCC version does not like it and gives
//  "error: statement-expressions are not allowed outside functions nor in template-argument lists"
#define MIN(a, b) \
  ({__typeof__(a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__(b) _b = (b); \
      _a < _b ? _a : _b; })

#define MAX(a, b) \
  ({__typeof__(a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__(b) _b = (b); \
      _a > _b ? _a : _b; })

#define ABS(a) \
  ({__typeof__(a) _a = (a); \
      _a >= 0 ? _a : -_a; })


class Statistic
  Statistic();  // "switches on/off" stdev run time
  void clear(); // "switches on/off" stdev run time
  void add(const float);

  // returns the number of values added
  uint32_t count() const { return _cnt; }; // zero if empty
  float sum() const { return _sum; };      // zero if empty
  float minimum() const { return _min; };  // zero if empty
  float maximum() const { return _max; };  // zero if empty
  float average() const;                   // NAN if empty
  float mean() const;                      // zero if empty

  float variance() const;       // NAN if empty
  float pop_stdev() const;      // population stdev  // NAN if empty
  float unbiased_stdev() const; // NAN if empty

  uint32_t _cnt;
  float _sum;
  float _min;
  float _max;
  float _ssqdif; // sum of squares difference


class Statistics {
  constructor() {
    this._cnt = 0;
    this._sum = 0;
    this._min = null;
    this._max = null;
    this._ssqdif = 0;

  clear() {
    this._cnt = 0;
    this._sum = 0;
    this._min = null;
    this._max = null;
    this._ssqdif = 0;

  add(value) {
    if (typeof this._min === 'undefined' || this._min > value) this._min = value;
    if (typeof this._max === 'undefined' || this._max < value) this._max = value;
    this._sum += value;
    this._cnt += 1;
    this._ssqdif += value * value; // for variance and stdev

  count() {
    return this._cnt;

  sum() {
    return this._sum;

  minimum() {
    return this._min;

  maximum() {
    return this._max;

  average() {
    return this._cnt ? (this._sum / this._cnt) : NaN;

  mean() {
    return this.average();

  variance() {
    if (!this._cnt) return NaN;
    let mean = this.average();
    return (this._ssqdif - 2 * mean * this._sum + this._cnt * mean * mean) / this._cnt;

  pop_stdev() {
    return Math.sqrt(this.variance());

  unbiased_stdev() {
    if (this._cnt < 2) return NaN;
    let mean = this.average();
    return Math.sqrt((this._ssqdif - 2 * mean * this._sum + this._cnt * mean * mean) / (this._cnt - 1));

function min(lhs, rhs) {
  return lhs < rhs ? lhs : rhs;
function max(lhs, rhs) {
  return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;
function abs(v) {
  return v >= 0 ? v : -v;

Example, lets get cozy, find some hotels on a lonely island, for a lonely rider :)

osr-ai chatgpt prompt --model=gpt-4 --dst="./tests/chatgpt/hotels.md" --query="Create a list of hotels, on Lamu, Kenya. Create a markdown bullet list, with price, link, and a link on GoogleMaps - add average rating"




  • [x] model select
  • [ ] loaders
  • [ ] language system defaults
  • [ ] output templates
  • [ ] auto-functions, eg "create file , ... "
  • [ ] support Urls, for source, and stdin

OSR Todos

  • [ ] Loader (mime/glob) -> storage (mem, mongo,...) -> query -> cache
  • [ ] session cache (chat history replay)


API Shit



Google Gemini

LLM Tooling





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