TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.4 • Public • Published

Build Status


playkit-js-entry-feedback is a kaltura player which allows to send an entry feedback.

It relies on kaltura player core API for managing UI features.

playkit-js-plugin-example is written in ECMAScript6 (*.js) and TypeScript (*.ts) (strongly typed superset of ES6), and transpiled in ECMAScript5 using Babel and the TypeScript compiler.

Webpack is used to build the distro bundle and serve the local development environment.

Dev Prerequisites

You should send ks with the plugin provider at the Demo page. I took it from KMS user by inspecting devtool at this path: KalturaPlayer.getPlayers()['kplayer'] -> Target.config.provider.ks


Show a feedback window once plugin is clicked. all option there are customizeable using entry-feedback kms module: module-entryfeedback

Getting started with development

# First, checkout the repository and install the required dependencies
git clone https://github.com/Kaltura-PS/playkit-js-entry-feedback.git

# Navigate to the repo dir
cd playkit-js-entry-feedback

# Run dev-server for demo page (recompiles on file-watch, and write to actual dist fs artifacts)
yarn build
yarn dev

# Before submitting a PR - Run the pre commit command
npm run pre:commit

# this command will run:

# 1. types check
# 2. lint check
# 3. generate/update types
# 4. generate/update docs

The dev server will host files on port 8000. Once started, the demo can be found running at http://localhost:8000/.

Before submitting a PR, please see our contribution guidelines.

Linter (ESlint)

Run linter:

npm run lint:check

Run linter with auto-fix mode:

yarn run lint:fix

Formatting Code

Run prettier to format code

yarn run prettier:fix

Type Check

Run type-check to verify TypeScript types

yarn run types:check

Automated tests (Mocha/Karma)

Run all tests at once:

yarn test

Run unit tests in watch mode:

yarn run test:watch


An overview of this project's design, can be found here.

API docs

API docs

How to config at Prod

use the version you want at the uiCong: "playkit-entry-feedback": "1.0.2"

and at the config:

plugins: {
  entryFeedback: {},

Make sure module-entryfeedback is enabled. Loging to mediaspce to any entry page and see the plugin.




playkit-js-plugin-example is only compatible with browsers supporting MediaSource extensions (MSE) API with 'video/MP4' mime-type inputs.

playkit-js-plugin-example is supported on:

  • Chrome 39+ for Android
  • Chrome 39+ for Desktop
  • Firefox 41+ for Android
  • Firefox 42+ for Desktop
  • IE11 for Windows 8.1+
  • Edge for Windows 10+
  • Safari 8+ for MacOS 10.10+
  • Safari for ipadOS 13+


playkit-js-plugin-example is released under Apache 2.0 License

Package Sidebar


npm i @playkit-js/entry-feedback

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271 kB

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  • orenme
  • adi-mach-kaltura
  • shai.kaltura
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  • playkitjs.bot