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Promptbook logo - cube with letters P and B Promptbook

Supercharge your use of large language models

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✨ New Features

⚠ Warning: This is a pre-release version of the library. It is not yet ready for production use. Please look at latest stable release.

📦 Package @promptbook/documents

To install this package, run:

# Install entire promptbook ecosystem
npm i ptbk

# Install just this package to save space
npm install @promptbook/documents

Read knowledge from documents like .docx, .odt,…

Rest of the documentation is common for entire promptbook ecosystem:

🤍 The Promptbook Whitepaper

If you have a simple, single prompt for ChatGPT, GPT-4, Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini, Llama 2, or whatever, it doesn't matter how you integrate it. Whether it's calling a REST API directly, using the SDK, hardcoding the prompt into the source code, or importing a text file, the process remains the same.

But often you will struggle with the limitations of LLMs, such as hallucinations, off-topic responses, poor quality output, language drift, word repetition repetition repetition repetition or misuse, lack of context, or just plain w𝒆𝐢rd responses. When this happens, you generally have three options:

  1. Fine-tune the model to your specifications or even train your own.
  2. Prompt-engineer the prompt to the best shape you can achieve.
  3. Orchestrate multiple prompts in a pipeline to get the best result.

In all of these situations, but especially in 3., the Promptbook library can make your life easier.

  • Separates concerns between prompt-engineer and programmer, between code files and prompt files, and between prompts and their execution logic.
  • Establishes a common format .ptbk.md that can be used to describe your prompt business logic without having to write code or deal with the technicalities of LLMs.
  • Forget about low-level details like choosing the right model, tokens, context size, temperature, top-k, top-p, or kernel sampling. Just write your intent and persona who should be responsible for the task and let the library do the rest.
  • Has built-in orchestration of pipeline execution and many tools to make the process easier, more reliable, and more efficient, such as caching, compilation+preparation, just-in-time fine-tuning, expectation-aware generation, agent adversary expectations, and more.
  • Sometimes even the best prompts with the best framework like Promptbook :) can't avoid the problems. In this case, the library has built-in anomaly detection and logging to help you find and fix the problems.
  • Promptbook has built in versioning. You can test multiple A/B versions of pipelines and see which one works best.
  • Promptbook is designed to do RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) and other advanced techniques. You can use knowledge to improve the quality of the output.

🧔 Pipeline (for prompt-engeneers)

Prompt book markdown file (or .ptbk.md file) is document that describes a pipeline - a series of prompts that are chained together to form somewhat reciepe for transforming natural language input.

  • Multiple pipelines forms a collection which will handle core know-how of your LLM application.
  • Theese pipelines are designed such as they can be written by non-programmers.


File write-website-content.ptbk.md:

🌍 Create website content

Instructions for creating web page content.

  • PIPELINE URL https://promptbook.studio/webgpt/write-website-content.ptbk.md
  • INPUT  PARAM {rawTitle} Automatically suggested a site name or empty text
  • INPUT  PARAM {rawAssigment} Automatically generated site entry from image recognition
  • OUTPUT PARAM {websiteContent} Web content
  • OUTPUT PARAM {keywords} Keywords

👤 Specifying the assigment

What is your web about?


-> {assigment} Website assignment and specification

✨ Improving the title

  • PERSONA Jane, Copywriter and Marketing Specialist.
As an experienced marketing specialist, you have been entrusted with improving the name of your client's business.

A suggested name from a client:

Assignment from customer:

> {assigment}

## Instructions:

-   Write only one name suggestion
-   The name will be used on the website, business cards, visuals, etc.

-> {enhancedTitle} Enhanced title

👤 Website title approval

Is the title for your website okay?


-> {title} Title for the website

🐰 Cunning subtitle

  • PERSONA Josh, a copywriter, tasked with creating a claim for the website.
As an experienced copywriter, you have been entrusted with creating a claim for the "{title}" web page.

A website assignment from a customer:

> {assigment}

## Instructions:

-   Write only one name suggestion
-   Claim will be used on website, business cards, visuals, etc.
-   Claim should be punchy, funny, original

-> {claim} Claim for the web

🚦 Keyword analysis

  • PERSONA Paul, extremely creative SEO specialist.
As an experienced SEO specialist, you have been entrusted with creating keywords for the website "{title}".

Website assignment from the customer:

> {assigment}

## Instructions:

-   Write a list of keywords
-   Keywords are in basic form

## Example:

-   Ice cream
-   Olomouc
-   Quality
-   Family
-   Tradition
-   Italy
-   Craft

-> {keywords} Keywords

🔗 Combine the beginning


# {title}

> {claim}

-> {contentBeginning} Beginning of web content

🖋 Write the content

  • PERSONA Jane
As an experienced copywriter and web designer, you have been entrusted with creating text for a new website {title}.

A website assignment from a customer:

> {assigment}

## Instructions:

-   Text formatting is in Markdown
-   Be concise and to the point
-   Use keywords, but they should be naturally in the text
-   This is the complete content of the page, so don't forget all the important information and elements the page should contain
-   Use headings, bullets, text formatting

## Keywords:


## Web Content:


-> {contentBody} Middle of the web content

🔗 Combine the content



-> {websiteContent}

Following is the scheme how the promptbook above is executed:

%% 🔮 Tip: Open this on GitHub or in the VSCode website to see the Mermaid graph visually

flowchart LR
  subgraph "🌍 Create website content"

      direction TB

      templateSpecifyingTheAssigment(👤 Specifying the assigment)
      templateImprovingTheTitle(✨ Improving the title)
      templateWebsiteTitleApproval(👤 Website title approval)
      templateCunningSubtitle(🐰 Cunning subtitle)
      templateKeywordAnalysis(🚦 Keyword analysis)
      templateCombineTheBeginning(🔗 Combine the beginning)
      templateWriteTheContent(🖋 Write the content)
      templateCombineTheContent(🔗 Combine the content)


      classDef input color: grey;
      classDef output color: grey;


Note: We are using postprocessing functions like unwrapResult that can be used to postprocess the result.

📦 Packages

This library is divided into several packages, all are published from single monorepo. You can install all of them at once:

npm i ptbk

Or you can install them separately:

⭐ Marked packages are worth to try first

📚 Dictionary

The following glossary is used to clarify certain concepts:

Core concepts

Advanced concepts

🔌 Usage in Typescript / Javascript

➕➖ When to use Promptbook?

➕ When to use

  • When you are writing app that generates complex things via LLM - like websites, articles, presentations, code, stories, songs,...
  • When you want to separate code from text prompts
  • When you want to describe complex prompt pipelines and don't want to do it in the code
  • When you want to orchestrate multiple prompts together
  • When you want to reuse parts of prompts in multiple places
  • When you want to version your prompts and test multiple versions
  • When you want to log the execution of prompts and backtrace the issues

See more

➖ When not to use

  • When you have already implemented single simple prompt and it works fine for your job
  • When OpenAI Assistant (GPTs) is enough for you
  • When you need streaming (this may be implemented in the future, see discussion).
  • When you need to use something other than JavaScript or TypeScript (other languages are on the way, see the discussion)
  • When your main focus is on something other than text - like images, audio, video, spreadsheets (other media types may be added in the future, see discussion)
  • When you need to use recursion (see the discussion)

See more

🐜 Known issues

🧼 Intentionally not implemented features


If you have a question start a discussion, open an issue or write me an email.

⌚ Changelog


📜 License

Promptbook by Pavol Hejný is licensed under CC BY 4.0

🎯 Todos

See TODO.md

🖋️ Contributing

I am open to pull requests, feedback, and suggestions. Or if you like this utility, you can ☕ buy me a coffee or donate via cryptocurrencies.

You can also ⭐ star the promptbook package, follow me on GitHub or various other social networks.

Package Sidebar


npm i @promptbook/documents





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  • hejny