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2.4.2 • Public • Published

Prosopo Dev Scripts Package

This package contains the scripts and configuration for setting up a development environment for Prosopo.


Dev Setup


git clone https://github.com/prosopo/captcha
cd captcha
npm i
npm run build:all
docker compose --file docker/docker-compose.development.yml up -d
cp demos/client-example-server/env.development demos/client-example-server/.env.development
cp demos/client-example/env.development demos/client-example/.env.development
cp dev/scripts/env.development .env.development
cp dev/scripts/env.development dev/scripts/.env.development
cp dev/scripts/env.development packages/cli/.env.development
cp dev/scripts/env.development packages/procaptcha-bundle/.env.development
npm run setup:all

In different terminals run

Terminal 1

npm run start:server

Terminal 2

npm run start:provider

Terminal 3

npm run start:demo

Go to http://localhost:9230 in your browser.


Set up Containers

Setup your containers by running the following command from the root of the scripts repository.

docker compose --file ./docker/docker-compose.development.yml up -d

Install node modules

Install the node modules by running the following command from the root of the captcha workspace.

npm i

Build all packages

Build all packages by running the following command from the root of the captcha workspace.

npm run build:all

Deploy contracts (Optional)

If you want to deploy the Procaptcha protocol contract, you can do so by running the following command from the root of the captcha workspace. Any .env files will be updated with the new contract addresses.

npm run deploy_protocol
npm run setup

Alternatively, run npm setup:all to run both of the above commands.

Env file

You must have a valid env file in ./dev/scripts/ for these commands to work. You can use the file ./dev/scripts/env.development as a template.

Set up a Provider and Register a Dapp

Providers are the nodes in the network that supply CAPTCHA. Run the following command from the root of the captcha workspace to register a Provider and a Dapp in the Protocol contract and start the Provider API.

npm run setup && npm run start:provider

The Protocol contract must exist on the substrate node for the setup script to run.


Run tests

Run all the tests using the following command from the root of the captcha workspace.

npm run test


The development scripts package contains a CLI tool that can be used for various development tasks.

Deploy Protocol Contract

From the root of the captcha workspace run:

npm run deploy_protocol

This is shorthand for the following command:

npm run -w @prosopo/scripts cli deploy_protocol --update_env

Specify the current working directory if you are running from a different location.

npm run -w @prosopo/scripts cli deploy_protocol --update_env --cwd $(pwd)

The default environment is development. To deploy to a different environment, set the NODE_ENV environment variable.

NODE_ENV=test npm run -w @prosopo/scripts cli deploy_protocol --update_env

Create env files


Setup the Protocol Contract

npm run setup

Import Contracts using Typechain


Import All Contracts


Fund Dapps

Maintenance script to fund dapps in contract that are not Active.

npm run -w @prosopo/scripts -- cli fund_dapps

Transfer Contract between networks

By default, the current .env setup will be used as the --transfer-to network.

Transfer dapps and providers from one contract to another

  --help                Show help                                      [boolean]
  --version             Show version number                            [boolean]
  --transfer-from       The name of the network and the contract address to tran
                        sfer from `{ network, address }`     [string] [required]
  --transfer-to         The name of the network and the contract address to tran
                        sfer to `{ network, address }`                  [string]
  --transfer-providers  Whether to transfer providers or not
                                           [boolean] [required] [default: false]
  --transfer-dapps      Whether to transfer dapps or not
                                           [boolean] [required] [default: false]

From the root of the workspace run:

npm run -w @prosopo/scripts -- cli transfer_contract --transfer-from '{"network":"rococo", "address":"..."}' --transfer-dapps=true --transfer-providers=true

Display Version

From the root of the workspace run:

npm run -w @prosopo/scripts -- cli --version




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  • christaylor
  • goastler
  • hughparry