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1.3.0 • Public • Published

         ESLint config by pvtnbr

This ESLint configuration was originally forked from Airbnb's ESLint config, taking inspiration from their comprehensive JavaScript style guide.

It's been enhanced with plugins, cutting edge tooling, and offers a comprehensive linting solution for a wide range of JavaScript ecosystems, including TypeScript, React, Vue.js, and Markdown code blocks.


  • Streamlined syntax: Single quotes, semicolons, tabs, and arrow functions for a clear & intentional coding style.

  • Versatile language support: Tailored for TypeScript, React, Vue.js, and even Markdown code blocks, ensuring a wide range of applications.

  • Handy CLI command Comes with a quick and easy-to-use CLI command, which even supports eslint.config.ts.

  • Extended plugin support: A rich set of plugins to lint ESlint comments, imports, JSON, YAML and more.

What does the linted code look like?

Checkout the code fixtures from the passing tests here.


pnpm i -D @pvtnbr/eslint-config

lint Command

This package includes a lint CLI command as a direct alternative to eslint, allowing you to lint your code with this config without any configuration or setup.

Lint files in the current directory

pnpm lint .

Apply auto fix

pnpm lint . --fix

Lint with caching enabled

pnpm lint --cache .

Lint only staged files

pnpm lint --staged .

Specify Node.js files

pnpm lint --node ./build .

Optional package.json script

Adding it to package.json#scripts gives you the convenience of not needing to pass in the current directory (.) every time so you can simply run pnpm lint instead. Also follows the best practice of documenting available commands in a central place.

  "scripts": {
+   "lint": "lint .",
    "build": "..."
    "dev": "..."


If you'd like to customize the linting rules further, you can add one of these ESLint config files to your project root and lint will detect them automatically:

  • eslint.config.ts: The typed version of the configuration file, ideal if you are working with TypeScript.

  • eslint.config.js: A standard JavaScript file for ESLint configuration, suitable for projects not using TypeScript.

[!NOTE] When creating your own ESLint config file, you must manually add the pvtnbr config. Read the section below to learn how.



by @pvtnbr/eslint-config

  lint [flags...] <files...>

      --cache                          Only check changed files
      --cache-location <string>        Path to the cache file or directory
      --fix                            Automatically fix problems
  -h, --help                           Show help
      --ignore-pattern <string>        Pattern of files to ignore
      --node <string>                  Enable Node.js rules. Pass in a glob to specify files
      --quiet                          Report errors only
      --staged                         Only lint staged files within the files passed in

ESLint setup

To use the eslint command, create a flat configuration file eslint.config.js at your project root.

[!TIP] If you'd like to use TypeScript for your config file (eslint.config.ts), use the lint command from the previous section. The eslint command only supports eslint.config.js.

Simple config

If you want a simple setup with no customization, create the following eslint.config.js:


export { default } from '@pvtnbr/eslint-config'


module.exports = require('@pvtnbr/eslint-config')

Extended config

In eslint.config.js:


// @ts-check

import { defineConfig, pvtnbr } from '@pvtnbr/eslint-config'

export default defineConfig([
        // Don't lint these files
        ignores: [

    // Configure the pvtnbr config

        // Indicate Node.js project
        node: true,

        // Indicate Vue.js project (auto-detected by default)
        vue: true

    // Other configs...


// @ts-check

const { defineConfig, pvtnbr } = require('@pvtnbr/eslint-config')

module.exports = defineConfig([
        // Don't lint these files
        ignores: [

    // Configure the pvtnbr config

        // Indicate Node.js project or pass in file paths
        node: true

    // Other configs...

[!TIP] If you'd like to type check your eslint.config.js file, you can add // @ts-check to the top.

Linting coverage

This ESLint config comprehensively supports a variety of languages and file types, ensuring coding standards and best practices across your project.

Language/File Type Extensions
JavaScript .js, .cjs, .mjs
Node.js .cjs, .mjs
Service Workers .sw.js, .sw.ts
TypeScript .ts, .cts, .mts, .d.ts
Vue.js .vue
React .jsx, .tsx
JSON .json, .json5, .jsonc
YML .yml, .yaml
Markdown .md

Integrated plugins

Each plugin in this ESLint configuration targets specific aspects of your code, ensuring quality and consistency.

Plugin Focus area
eslint-comments ESLint directive comments
node Node.js coding practices
@typescript-eslint TypeScript coding Practices
@stylistic JavaScript & TypeScript code style
promise Promises best practices
regexp Regular Expressions best practices
import ES6+ Import/Export
jsonc JSON, JSON5, and JSONC style
yml YAML style
vue Vue.js Templates & Scripts
react React best practices
markdown Markdown embedded code blocks
no-use-extend-native Native prototype extensions
unicorn Miscellaneous code quality rules
Custom Custom rules made for this config



The main config factory. It takes an object of options and returns a config object.


Type: boolean | string[]

Default: false

Whether to lint Node.js code. When true, it will treat all files as Node.js files. You can also pass in an array of glob patterns to specify which files are Node.js files.


An identity function to enforce type checking on the config.


Type: FlatConfig | FlatConfig[]

Other ESLint configs

Make sure you also check out these awesome ESLint configs. They are a constant source of inspiration for me, and are great alternatives to consider.




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  • hirokiosame