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0.0.1 • Public • Published


Conf is a simple module to get and set variables from a Roblox Configuration instance.

Why Conf?

Conf combines keys and types to allow multiple ValueBase instances to exist under the same name, if they hold separate types.

This means that the following code:

conf.set('apples', true);
conf.set('apples', 10);

will result in the following Roblox tree:

├── BoolValue "apples": true
└── NumberValue "apples": 10

These can be written to and read from individually, but they will both be deleted together with:



Existing Values

In Conf, each ValueBase instance is referred to as a "Store". At instantiation, all existing stores are registered, meaning a reference of them is saved into the Conf instance.

Existing stores can be addressed via their instance name, which becomes their key. New stores are created when a new key is written to.

Any changes in the Roblox tree after instantiation are not automatically reflected, but this can be enabled with.


Obtaining Values

When obtaining values in Conf, you must specify what you are expecting.

This is important to maintain type safety and keys associated with values of multiple types.

conf.get('apples', 'number');

If you would like to prevent the undefined result, in the case of the value not existing, you can use the ensure method.

conf.ensure('apples', 5);

In this case, Conf infers what type of value you are trying to obtain, and will address the correct store. If no store exists, or the store holds no value (in case of ObjectValue), the fallback will be returned. When using the fallback value, no store is created.

Setting Values

When setting values in Conf, the type of value you are setting is automatically inferred, and the appropriate store is created, if it does not exist already.

conf.set('apples', 10); // NumberValue store is created, if it doesn't exist
conf.set('apples', true); // BoolValue store is created, if it doesn't exist

Deleting Values

When deleting values, the key itself is deleted. This means that if multiple stores exist under the same key, they are all deleted.

conf.set('apples', 10);
conf.set('apples', true);

conf.delete('apples'); // Deletes both the Numbervalue and BoolValue store

Instance Tree Synchronization

Automatic synchronization can be enabled with:


and disabled with:


Manual synchronization can be executed with:


Automatic sync does not reflect name changes of stores after they have been added. This means that if a store instance changes it's name, it's key within Conf will still be the original name.

This issue persists until a manual sync is executed, because a manual sync will re-register all stores.

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  • zyrakia