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yarn add @react-spring/parallax

NOTE: Currently, only @react-spring/web is supported.

Parallax creates a scrollable container. ParallaxLayers contain your content and will be moved according to their offsets and speeds.

import { Parallax, ParallaxLayer } from '@react-spring/parallax'

const Example = () => {
  const ref = useRef()
  return (
    <Parallax pages={3} ref={ref}>
      <ParallaxLayer offset={0} speed={2.5}>
        <p>Layers can contain anything</p>

      <ParallaxLayer offset={1} speed={-2} factor={1.5} horizontal />

      <ParallaxLayer sticky={{ start: 1, end: 2 }} />

      <ParallaxLayer offset={2} speed={1}>
        <button onClick={() => ref.current.scrollTo(0)}>Scroll to top</button>


Property Type Description
pages number Total space of the container. Each page takes up 100% of the viewport.
config? SpringConfig The spring behavior. Defaults to config.slow (see configs).
enabled? boolean Whether or not the content can be scrolled. Defaults to true.
horizontal? boolean Whether or not the container scrolls horizontally. Defaults to false.
innerStyle? CSSProperties CSS object to style the inner Parallax wrapper (not the scrollable container)

ref Properties

Parallax also has a few useful properties that you can access using a ref:

const ref = useRef()
<Parallax ref={ref}>


A function for click-to-scroll. It takes one paramater: the number of the page to scroll to. Pages are zero-indexed, so scrollTo(0) will scroll to the first page, scrollTo(1) to the second, etc.


The ref for the outer container div of Parallax, for when you need access to the actual DOM Element.

NOTE: since it is also a ref, it must be accessed with ref.current.container.current.


The ref for the inner container div of Parallax.

Usage Notes

  • All direct children of Parallax must be ParallaxLayers (or fragments whose only direct children are ParallaxLayers).
  • Parallax is a scrollable container so all scroll events are fired from the container itself -- listening for scroll on window won't work (but you can use ref.current.container).


Property Type Description
factor? number Size of the layer relative to page size (eg: 1 => 100%, 1.5 => 150%, etc). Defaults to 1.
offset? number The offset of the layer when it's corresponding page is fully in view (eg: 0 => top of 1st page, 1 => top of 2nd page, etc ). Defaults to 0.
speed? number Rate at which the layer moves in relation to scroll. Can be positive or negative. Defaults to 0.
horizontal? boolean Whether or not the layer moves horizontally. Defaults to the horizontal value of Parallax (whose default is false).
sticky? StickyConfig If set, the layer will be 'sticky' between the two offsets. All other props are ignored. Default: {start?: number = 0, end?: number = start + 1}

Usage Notes

  • The offset prop is where the layer will end up, not where it begins. For example, if a layer has an offset of 1.5, it will be halfway down the second page (zero-indexed) when the second page completely fills the viewport.
  • The speed prop will affect the initial starting position of a layer, but not it's final offset position.
  • Any layer with sticky set will have a z-index higher than regular layers. This can be changed manually.


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  • tdfka_rick