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1.7.0 • Public • Published

RedSky Framework

A UI component kit for building React projects. Includes React components, custom hooks, and utilities functions.


In order to be able to use this framework in your projects you will need to install the peer dependencies. This includes

  • react@17
  • react-dom@17

In addition to peer dependencies you will also need to import the compiled CSS used throughout the framework into your project just once. You can do this by putting the following in your App.tsx

import "@redskytech/framework/index.css"

Some components might require extra integration. For example if you make use of the popupController you will need to add the popupController.instance to your App.tsx. See the individual stories for examples.

Animate on scroll

To initialize AoS component you need to import the custom hook useInitAnimateOnScroll and call it once in App.tsx


RedSky Framework utilizes storybook to demonstrate available components. Please make sure to adequately document your components in storybook mdx files.


When working on the framework it is often useful to quickly fire up a simple structured playground. You can do so by navigating to the /playground folder and running the simple Vite project with yarn dev


To build run the following command

yarn build

This will output a self-contained publishable folder in the root/dist folder.


Make sure your build is working first

You first need to be a member of the @redskytech organization with publishing capability. Then you need to run the following command:

yarn release:xxx - where xxx is either (major, minor, patch, pre:alpha)

This uses the npm package standard-version which will automatically increment the package.json version as well as git tag the commit and put all commit notes into the CHANGELOG.md

Push up the changes and tags to master branch on remote, make sure to include tags

git push --follow-tags origin master

Finally, publish to npmjs.org with the command

yarn build:publish

Commit Messages

Commit messages should follow guidelines specified at conventional commits. This helps with auto changelog generated file.




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npm i @redskytech/framework

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