TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

7.4.125 • Public • Published


TypeScript definitions for Regula Document Reader SDK


npm install --save @regulaforensics/document-reader-typings

Setup tests

  1. Copy .env.example to .env and set all variables (or set environment variables manually, if some variables are not set, tests for this functionality will be skipped)
  2. Run node tools/inspect-test-dirs-configuration.js to check if all test directories are configured correctly
  3. Run npm run test

Manual check of separate file

  1. Build project with npm run build
  2. Run node tools/analize-json.js --f <path-to-file>

Output when file is invalid:

Errors: {
  "ContainerList.List.0.light": [
    "light must be a number",
    "light must be one of the following values: 0, 6, 24, 128"

Output when file is valid:

File is valid

Difference check

Option -d allows to run check a difference between validated file and original file: If there will be any difference, it will be printed to console. For example:

Differences: [
    "kind": "change occurred within an array",
    "path": "ContainerList.List.1"
    "kind": "property/element was deleted",
    "path": "TransactionInfo.Version"
    "kind": "newly added property/element",
    "path": "log"

You can also change the file .excluded to exclude some properties from difference check. File is located in root of project. This file exclude path for analyze-json tool and for tests.

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npm i @regulaforensics/document-reader-typings

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  • ikliashchou
  • regula