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0.13.0 • Public • Published


Atlassian Jira API client based on OpenAPI schema.

Provides Clients for Jira Platform, Jira Software, and Jira Service Management APIs.

Compatible with the following request/fetch Atlassian libraries:


Note that this package requires zod as a peer dependency.

Install using npm

npm add @resolution/jira-api-client zod

Or using yarn

yarn add @resolution/jira-api-client zod



Inside Connect iframe:

import { JiraPlatformApi, JiraSoftwareApi } from '@resolution/jira-api-client';

async function test() {
  const jiraPlatformApi = new JiraPlatformApi({ AP: window.AP });
  const issue = await jiraPlatformApi.issues.getIssue({ issueIdOrKey: "PROJ-1" });
  console.log('Issue:', issue);

  const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({ AP: window.AP });
  const boards = await jiraSoftwareApi.boards.getAllBoards();
  console.log('Boards:', boards);

  const jiraServiceManagementApi = new JiraServiceManagementApi({ AP: window.AP });
  const systemInfo = await jiraServiceManagementApi.info.getInfo();
  console.log('JSM Info:', systemInfo);


On the server side using atlassian-connect-express:

import atlassianConnectExpress from 'atlassian-connect-express';
import { JiraPlatformApi, JiraSoftwareApi, JiraServiceManagementApi } from '@resolution/jira-api-client';

const app = express();
const ace = atlassianConnectExpress(app);


app.get('/issue/:issueKey', async () => {
  const jiraPlatformApi = new JiraPlatformApi({ ace, clientKey: req.context.clientKey });
  res.status(200).send(await jiraPlatformApi.issues.getIssue({ issueIdOrKey: req.params.issueKey }));

app.get('/boards', async () => {
  const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({ ace, clientKey: req.context.clientKey });
  res.status(200).send(await jiraSoftwareApi.boards.getAllBoards());

app.get('/system-info', async () => {
  const jiraServiceManagementApi = new JiraServiceManagementApi({ ace, clientKey: req.context.clientKey });
  res.status(200).send(await jiraServiceManagementApi.info.getInfo());



Inside Forge iframe:

import { JiraPlatformApi, JiraSoftwareApi, JiraServiceManagementApi } from '@resolution/jira-api-client';
import { requestJira } from '@forge/bridge';

async function test() {
  const jiraPlatformApi = new JiraPlatformApi({ requestJira });
  const issue = await jiraPlatformApi.issues.getIssue({ issueIdOrKey: "PROJ-1" });
  console.log('Issue:', issue);

  const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({ requestJira });
  const boards = await jiraSoftwareApi.boards.getAllBoards();
  console.log('Boards:', boards);
  const jiraServiceManagementApi = new JiraServiceManagementApi({ requestJira });
  const systemInfo = await jiraServiceManagementApi.info.getInfo();
  console.log('JSM Info:', systemInfo);


On the server side using @forge/api:

import { JiraPlatformApi, JiraSoftwareApi, JiraServiceManagementApi } from '@resolution/jira-api-client';
import * as forgeApi from '@forge/api';

export const handler = async ({ payload }) => {
  const jiraPlatformApi = new JiraPlatformApi({ forgeApi });
  const issue = await jiraPlatformApi.issues.getIssue({ issueIdOrKey: payload.issueKey });

  const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({ forgeApi });
  const boards = await jiraSoftwareApi.boards.getAllBoards();

  const jiraServiceManagementApi = new JiraServiceManagementApi({ forgeApi });
  const systemInfo = await jiraServiceManagementApi.info.getInfo();

  return { issue, boards, systemInfo };

External fetch on the server side:

import { JiraPlatformApi, JiraSoftwareApi, JiraServiceManagementApi } from '@resolution/jira-api-client';
import { fetch } from "@forge/api";

const baseUrl = "https://your-jira-instance.atlassian.net";

export const handler = async ({ payload }) => {
  const jiraPlatformApi = new JiraPlatformApi({ fetch, baseUrl });
  const issue = await jiraPlatformApi.issues.getIssue({ issueIdOrKey: payload.issueKey });

  const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({ fetch, baseUrl });
  const boards = await jiraSoftwareApi.boards.getAllBoards();

  const jiraServiceManagementApi = new JiraServiceManagementApi({ fetch, baseUrl });
  const systemInfo = await jiraServiceManagementApi.info.getInfo();

  return { issue, boards, systemInfo };


When using API on the server side, you can impersonalize the API client. This is useful when you need to access API resources on behalf of a different user or app.


By default, atlassian-connect-express makes requests on behalf of the app. To impersonalize the API client, you need to provide the userAccountId to the API client:

// ...
app.get('/sprint-issues/:sprintId', async () => {
  const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({
    clientKey: req.context.clientKey,
    userAccountId: req.context.userAccountId
  res.status(200).send(await jiraSoftwareApi.sprint.getIssuesForSprint({
    sprintId: 1
// ...

This can also be achieved by calling asUser method on the API client:

const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({
  clientKey: req.context.clientKey
const issues = await jiraSoftwareApi.sprint.getIssuesForSprint({
  sprintId: 1


By default, @forge/api makes requests on behalf of the current user. To perform requests on behalf of the app, you need to provide the asApp to the API client:

// ...
export const handler = async ({ payload }) => {
  const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({
    asApp: true
  return await jiraSoftwareApi.sprint.getIssuesForSprint({ sprintId: 1 });

This can also be achieved by calling asApp method on the API client:

const jiraSoftwareApi = new JiraSoftwareApi({ forgeApi });
const issues = await jiraSoftwareApi.sprint.getIssuesForSprint({ sprintId: 1 });

Error handling

All API methods return a promise that resolves to the response data or rejects with an ApiError instance.

ApiError class:

export class ApiError extends Error {
  readonly message: string;
  readonly name: "ApiError";
  readonly url: URL;
  readonly request: CommonHttpClientFetchRequest | undefined;
  readonly response: CommonHttpClientFetchResponse | undefined;
  readonly options: CommonHttpClientOptions | undefined;

Checking response status example:

try {
    const issue = await jiraPlatformApi.issues.getIssue({ issueIdOrKey: "PROJ-1" });
    console.log('Issue:', issue);
} catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof ApiError && error.response?.status === 404) {
        console.error('Issue not found.');
    } else {

API Documentation



This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

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  • tobias.theobald
  • lafisrap1
  • mdevils