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2.0.7 • Public • Published


WARNING - Breaking Changes in Version 2. See below for details

This is a wrapper for the Leaflet.locatecontrol to make it easy to use in Angular 8+.

This wrapper is tested against the @asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet library but it has no dependency on that library so should work without it. It does, obviously, have a dependency that leaflet is loaded.

For more detailed descriptions of how this wrapper was created : Documentation.

For detailed descriptions of how to use and worked examples : Article, Article

For an example of this working in a real site - see trackbash.


Install using npm:

npm install @runette/ngx-leaflet-locate

Note that from version 2.0.1, this library is built using a partial Ivy compilation and should work with any version of Angular.io after version 12.0.0


This library needs to be imported into the application module:

import {NgxLeafletLocateModule} from '@runette/ngx-leaflet-locate'

imports: [

Then, the control is inserted using the following directive:


Where map is an instance of a leaflet map a, options is an object with valid options for the control and location$ is a function to call when there is a new location event.

Usage with NGX-Leaflet

This library integrates very easily with ngx-leaflet using the onMapReady event:

<div id='map' class="map-container" leaflet

by adding the following to your map component (note - the locateOptions are only an example - choose your own options:

/// <reference types="leaflet.locatecontrol" />
import { latLng, Map, Control, LocationEvent } from 'leaflet';

export class OsmMapComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  public map: Map;
  public locateOptions:  Control.LocateOptions = {
    flyTo: false,
    keepCurrentZoomLevel: true,
    locateOptions: {
                 enableHighAccuracy: true,
    icon: 'material-icons md-18 target icon',
    clickBehavior: {inView: 'stop',
                    outOfView: 'setView',
                    inViewNotFollowing: 'setView'}
  onMapReady(map: Map) {
    this.map = map;
  onNewLocation(e: LocationEvent){
  ...some actions;

Usage - Location Events

BREAKING CHANGES - from V2.0.0 the module emits native LocationEvent events. The previous Location type no longer exists. LocationEvent type is defined on the leaflet module.

This is to provide consistency and avoid data loss. The most major change is that the old coords property is now latlng

The module listens for location found events when the control is following the device location.

When there is a location update from the device, that update is emitted as an event to the parent component as location$ : LocationEvent.

Usage - CSS

Unfortunately - I think because the leaflet map is run outside of Angular by ngx-leaflet - the normal css encapsulation does not work and you have to load the css globally.

In your angular.json, under the styles key (eg at architect.test.options.styles or architect.build.options.styles), add the following path to the list of styles CSS files :


Your styles entry will look something like this :

"styles": [

Build Config

For some reason yet to be found - this library does not like being built with "buildOptimizer": true, in the build environment - which is usually the default for the production environment in angular.json.

Always build with "buildOptimizer": false,.

API Access to the Control

If you want access the control's methods directly from your typescript code - this can be done with @ViewChild

Use ViewChild to access the component, for instance

@ViewChild(NgxLeafletLocateComponent,{static: false}) locateComponent: NgxLeafletLocateComponent;

The actual instance of the control can then be accessed directly as this.locateComponent.control

For more details and worked examples, see : Article


Contributions to this repository are very welcome.

Please fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes. The branch can be built locally using

ng build ngx-leaflet-locate

in the root folder of the repo. This creates an npm package in a folder called dist. This can loaded in a test app using npm install and the FQ path to the dist folder.

When your changes are complete create a Pull Requet against the master. It is IMPORTANT that you change the version number in package.json AND the tag number in .github/workflowds/build.yaml to the next version before the PR.

When I have accepted and merged the PR, Github actions will automatically build the new package release and loaded it both as a GH release using the version as the tag name and publish the new version on npm.

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  • runette