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Runno Runtime

The @runno/runtime implements all the core features to make code run. It also exports Web Components that can be used to create runno instances in your code without using iframes.


Start by adding @runno/runtime to your package:

$ npm install @runno/runtime

Import @runno/runtime in whatever place you'll be using the runno elements. The simplest is in your entrypoint file (e.g. main.ts or index.ts).

import '@runno/runtime';

Once you've imported them you can use runno elements on the page.

<runno-run runtime="python" editor controls>
print('Hello, World!')

For the code to run though, you'll need to set some HTTP headers:

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp

These create a cross-origin isolated context which allows the use of SharedArrayBuffer used to implement STDIN.

Headless Usage

Runno supports a headless API.

import { headlessRunCode, headlessRunFS } from "@runno/runtime";

You can use this headless API to run code in a particular language without having to use the DOM. For example:

const result = await headlessRunCode("python", "print('Hello World!')");

If you want to provide more than a single code snippet, you can use headlessRunFS to provide each of the files, and the entrypoint file.


The runno-run element can be styled with css variables to change the height of the individual runno-editor and runno-terminal elements inside.

runno-run {
  /* Sets a specific height for the editor */
  --runno-editor-height: auto;

  /* Sets a maximum height for the editor */
  --runno-editor-max-height: 60%;

  /* Sets a specific height for the terminal */
  --runno-terminal-height: auto;

  /* Sets a minimum height for the terminal */
  --runno-terminal-min-height: 4rem;

By default the editor will resize to fit the content you put inside it, and the terminal will be its minimum height. If you set the element to be a fixed height, they will share the space so that the editor gets 60% and the controls and terminal get the rest.

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  • taybenlor