Define custom stores for reactive programming
Download the CJS, ESM, UMD versions or install via NPM:
npm install @ryanmorr/define-store
Easily create customizable observable stores that allow you control every aspect of it's behavior and API, including how it's created, how and when it's internal value is read and written, and how subscribers are handled. This allows you to create stores with specific functionality and still maintain interoperability with different reactive libraries.
import defineStore from '@ryanmorr/define-store';
// Define a store with a callback function that is provided a function to get the
// internal value, a function to set the internal value, a function to add
// subscribers, and the subscribers array as the 4 parameters
const store = defineStore((get, set, subscribe, subscribers) => {
// Return a function for creating store instances with custom arguments
return (initialValue) => {
// Set the initial value upon creation
// This return object exposes the external API for interacting
// with a store instance
return {
// Add `get` method
// Add `set` method
set(...args) {
// The `set` function supports multiple arguments that will all be
// passed to the subscribers when called, only the first argument
// will be set to the new internal value
// By default, the `subscribe` function is automatically added to the
// return object unless it is explicitly overridden
subscribe(callback) {
// The `subscribe` function returns an `unsubscribe` function for the
// subscriber when called
const unsubscribe = subscribe(callback);
// Override `unsubscribe` and return it as a method of an object instead
// of a function
return {
unsubscribe() {
// The `subscribers` array is live, it's useful for executing
// code when the first subscriber is added or the last is removed
if (subscribers.length === 0) {
// Create an instance of the store with an initial value
const value = store(100);
// Add a subscriber
const subscriber = value.subscribe((newValue) => console.log(newValue));
// Get the stored value
value.get(); //=> 100
// Set the stored value
// Get the new stored value
value.get(); //=> 200
// Remove subscriber
// Supports implicit type conversions
value.toString(); //=> "200"
value.valueOf(); //=> 200
value.toJSON(); //=> 200
await value; //=> 200
You can make all kinds of different observable stores, for example, here's a basic function-based store:
const store = defineStore((get, set) => (value) => {
return (...args) => {
if (args.length === 1) {
return get();
const value = store('foo');
const subscribe = value.subscribe((val) => console.log(val));
value(); //=> "foo"
value(); //=> "bar"
And how about a computed store to go with it:
const computed = defineStore((get, set) => (deps, callback) => {
const setValue = () => set(callback( => dep())));
deps.forEach((dep) => dep.subscribe(setValue));
return get;
const firstName = store('John');
const lastName = store('Doe');
const fullName = computed([firstName, lastName], ([first, last]) => `${first} ${last}`);
const subscribe = fullName.subscribe((name) => console.log(name));
fullName(); //=> "John Doe"
fullName(); //=> "Jane Doe"
fullName(); //=> "Jane Smith"
Or maybe a simple toggle store:
const toggle = defineStore((get, set) => (on = false) => {
return {
isOn: get,
on: () => set(true),
off: () => set(false),
toggle: () => set(!get())
const toggler = toggle();
const subscribe = toggler.subscribe((on) => console.log(on));
toggler.isOn(); //=> true;
toggler.isOn(); //=> false
toggler.isOn(); //=> true
Don't forget your Redux-style reducer store:
const reduce = defineStore((get, set) => (reducer, initialState) => {
return {
getState: get,
dispatch: (action) => set(reducer(get(), action))
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'increment':
return {count: state.count + 1};
case 'decrement':
return {count: state.count - 1};
return state;
const state = {count: 0};
const counter = reduce(reducer, state);
const subscribe = counter.subscribe((state) => console.log(state));
counter.dispatch({type: 'increment'});
counter.getState(); //=> {count: 1}
counter.dispatch({type: 'decrement'});
counter.getState(); //=> {count: 0}
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