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1.0.5 • Public • Published

NFT Master is a versatile web3.js plugin designed to simplify and enhance the interaction with ERC-721 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain. It is aimed primarily at developers, providing a robust suite of tools for managing and querying NFT collections. Its capabilities include retrieving metadata and images of specific NFTs, filtering NFTs based on attributes or ownership, determining the rarity of traits, and handling large NFT collections efficiently. NFT Master facilitates seamless interaction between DApps and NFT collections.

For the web3 attribute, use any web3.js blockchain provider For contractAddress, use the contract address of the NFT collection. For example, for Bored Ape Yacht Club, the contractAddress is: 0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d For handleTokenURI, use a function that returns a GET request to the file storage of the NFT. Leave it empty to handle IPFS hashes. See metadataHandlers.ts for examples of this.

Sample Usage:

// Initialize Web3 with a provider URL
let web3: Web3 = new Web3('https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/<your_api_key>');

// Define the options for initializing NFTPlugin
const nftPluginOptions = {
  contractAddress: "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d", // BAYC Address

// Register NFTPlugin with initialization values
web3.registerPlugin(new NFTPlugin(web3, nftPluginOptions));

// Initialize Web3Context (if necessary)
const web3Context = new core.Web3Context(web3);

// Register NFTPlugin with Web3Context
web3Context.registerPlugin(new NFTPlugin(web3, nftPluginOptions));

Function Documentation:

  // getAllMetadataCombinations(input) 
  // Returns all possible combinations of NFT Metadata given array of options for each trait
  // The returned array of attributes does not include any thumbnail
  // Requires: No trait can have an empty array
  // Usage: This function is to be used by developers
  // Sample Input:
  // [{'Earring': ["Gold", "Silver", ...]}, {'Grin': ["Crooked", "Toothy", ...]}]
  public getAllMetadataCombinations(input: Trait[]): Array<Array<{ trait_type: string; value: string }>>

  // getNFTMetadata(tokenId) returns Promise of NFT metadata for NFT of given tokenId
  // in the collection that was specified in the constructor
  // Returns null if NFT was not found and writes to error stream
  // Usage: This function is to be used by developers
  // Requires: tokenId is a valid id of an NFT in the collection
  public async getNFTMetadata(tokenId: string): Promise<any>

  // getNFTImage(tokenId) returns Promise of the image link for the NFT of given tokenId
  // in the collection that was specified in the constructor
  // Returns null if NFT was not found and writes to error stream
  // Usage: This function is to be used by developers
  public async getNFTImage(tokenId: Uint256): Promise<any>

  // filterNFTsByAttributes(attributes, rpm) returns all NFTs in the collection that match the passed attributes.
  // RPM is the requests per minute the NFTPlugin object's gateway allows.
  // By default it is 200 and if 0 is passed, no rate limit is enforced.
  // Usage: This function is to be used by developers
  // requires: NFT Collection implements the optional enumeration extension
  //           NFT Collection has an attributes array [{ "trait_type": "X", "value": "Y" }, ...]
  public async filterNFTsByAttributes(attributes: Record<string, any>, rpm?: number): Promise<any[]>

  // getCollectionSize() returns the number of NFTs in the collection
  // Usage: This function is to be used by developers and filterNFTsByAttributes
  // requires: NFT Collection implements the optional enumeration extension
  public async getCollectionSize(): Promise<bigint> 

  // getTraitRarityScore(trait) returns the rarity of a given trait
  // calculated by # of NFTs / # of occurences of the trait
  // Usage: This function is to be used by developers
  public async getTraitRarityScore(trait: Trait): Promise<bigint>

  // filterNFTsByOwner(owner, rpm) returns all NFTs in the collection
  // that have the specified owner. RPM is the requests per minute the NFTPlugin object's
  // gateway allows. By default it is 200 and if 0 is passed, no rate limit is enforced.
  // Usage: This function is to be used by developers
  // requires: NFT Collection implements the optional enumeration extension
  public async filterNFTsByOwner(owner: Address, rpm?: number): Promise<any[]>

Running the Test Script: Enter your preferred blockchain provider in otherwise most tests won't be able to run




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  • saileshp56