A library for working with resolvables. Resolvables are similar to promises or futures. This library can save add-on developers some work.
Things included
Resolvable.Resolvable: a class for a resolvable.
- Resolvable.Resolvable:new: a constructor for creating a resolvable.
- Resolvable.Resolvable:afterResolve / Resolvable.Resolvable.after: a method for registering a callback which is called after the resolvable is resolved.
- await / Resolvable.await: a function for awaiting on a promise. Can only be used in a coroutine.
- Resolvable.all: a function for creating a new resolvable which resolves when all resolvables, that have been passed, have been resolved.
"Resolvable.Resolvable:new" returns a second return value, which is a table with internal methods which can be used by the creator of the resolvable. Those include:
- resolve: a method to resolve the resolvable.