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Persistent sessions for h3. Based on express-session.


# Using pnpm
pnpm add @scayle/h3-session

# Using yarn
yarn add @scayle/h3-session

# Using npm
npm install @scayle/h3-session


import { UnstorageSessionStore, useSession } from '@scayle/h3-session'
import { createStorage } from 'unstorage'

const DEFAULT_TTL = 60 * 60 * 24

const redisStore = UnstorageSessionStore(
    driver: redisDriver({
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 6379,
    ttl: DEFAULT_TTL,

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  await useSession(event, {
    store: redisStore,
    secret: 'my-secret',

  const sessionId = event.context.sessionId
  const sessionData = event.context.session.data

useSession options

The following options can be passed as the second argument to useSession. store and secret must be defined.

interface H3SessionOptions {
  // Where session data will be stored
  store: SessionStore

  // Settings for configuring the session cookie
  // Cookies are serialized with [`cookie-es`](https://github.com/unjs/cookie-es).
  // The default value is { path: '/', httpOnly: true, secure: true, maxAge: null }.
  cookie?: {
    domain?: string
    expires?: Date
    httpOnly?: boolean
    maxAge?: number
    path?: string
    sameSite?: true | false | 'lax' | 'none' | 'strict'
    secure?: boolean

  // The name of the session cookie. Defaults to 'connect.sid'
  name?: string

  // Function to generate a session ID. Defaults to randomUUID
  genid?: (event: H3Event) => string

  // Function to generate new session data
  generate?: () => SessionDataT

  // Should the session be automatically saved on initialization?
  saveUninitialized?: boolean

  // Secret(s) to use for cookie signing
  secret: string | string[]

Session object

useSession attaches a Session object to event.context.session. The Session object has several methods along with an id property containing the session's ID, a data property which contains the session's data and a cookie property representing the session's cookie.


Save the session to the store. Unlike express-session, session data is not saved automatically when it is changed, so this function should be called after modifying the session or at the end of the request.


Reload the session's data from the store.


Destroy the session by removing its data from the store and deleting the cookie.


Recreate the session with a new ID and empty data.


The cookie property on the session can be used to control the session's cookie. Any of the cookie serialization options such as maxAge or domain can be edited and will affect the Set-Cookie header sent in the response. Additionally, setSessionId(sid: string) can be called to update the cookie's value with a new session ID.


Any object implementing the SessionStore interface can be used as the store option.

There is an included UnstorageSessionStore class to create SessionStore backed by an unstorage provider. To avoid accumulating dead sessions, use a driver (such as redis) which supports the ttl option.

A reference to the store is added to event.context.sessionStore to enable manual management of the session data. (e.g. clearing all saved sessions)

Cookie signing

The value of the session cookie is a signed variant of the session's ID. The format is s:[sessionID].[signature]. e.g. s:7247d6e9-8ddb-4005-988b-9aa82bd7d6d5.lERU16bdv6tojUNeM8V2UOARyNxHNaWKIYi4bLRxx7o. This matches the format used by express-session, so existing sessions can be preserved when migrating.

The secret used for signing cookies is set in the options of useSession. It can be a string or string[]. When specified as an array, the last item will be used for signing new session cookies, but all secrets will be used to verify existing cookies. This allows changing the signing secret without invalidating existing sessions.


The type of the session data can be specified by augmenting the SessionDataT interface.

declare module '@scayle/h3-session' {
  export interface SessionDataT {
    userId: string
    token: string




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