TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

4.0.4 • Public • Published


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base image search image


Provides a component for overriding the default Sanity block selector - WithBlockSelector. There are two variants, to account for different situations: content-array - for the "Add Item" button at the bottom of content arrays portable-text - for the "..." buttons inside portable text editors


The components should be used as custom input components for the fields you want to have this block selector.

The blockPreviews field controls how the block options are rendered. Each member of the array defines a group, which corresponds to an accordion tab. Each group has a title and blocks it contains, where the keys of the blocks field correspond to the names of blocks in the of array. Inside each of these, you can set a description and a imageURL to an image that represents that block (like an icon, or a preview). Both of these fields are optional, so only the title of the block (as defined in the schema will be shown).

The showOther field can be set to true to create an additional group, which displays all of the blocks defined in the schema that haven't been added to blockPreviews.

The excludedBlocks field is an array of the names of the blocks you want to have hidden from the selector.

With the text field, you can override all of the hardcoded text values in the block selector:

  • addItem: the text in the "Add item" button
  • dialogTitle: the title of the dialog
  • searchPlaceholder: the placeholder of the search input in the dialog
  • other: the name of the Other tab

With the replaceQueriesfield, you can replace the default queries for replacing the built-in block selector buttons in Sanity. By default, the default queries should work, so you shouldn't need to change this. But you have the flexibility to do so if you need to. (This is useful in case Sanity changes the layout of the Studio, and this package doesn't manage to stay up to date with it.).

These queries depend on the type option.

    name: 'richPortableText',
    title: 'Text',
    type: 'array',
    of: [...],
    components: {
        input: WithBlockSelector({
            type: 'portable-text',
            blockPreviews: [
                    title: 'Content',
                    blocks: {
                        accordion: {
                            description: ''.
                            imageURL: '',
            showOther: true,
            excludedBlocks: ['extendedBlock'],
            text: {
                addItem: 'Legg til blokk',
            replaceQueries: [
                    level: 'field',
                    query: '[data-testid="insert-menu-auto-collapse-menu"] [data-testid="insert-menu-button"]',
                    level: 'document',
                    query: 'div[data-testid="document-panel-portal"] #menu-button[data-testid="insert-menu-button"]',

Scripts and getting this thing running

To install dependencies:

bun install

To start the react-cosmos documentation:

bun start

To build the package:

bun run build

To publish the package (this will also build the package automatically):

npm publish --access public




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  • jostein-selvklart
  • tafkolstad
  • wien
  • joakim.selvklart
  • sanders54