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A basic DOM implementation for node.

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[!WARNING] This project is under development and IS NOT intended for parsing HTML. Expect missing attributes and methods, document.createElement() resulting in HTMLUnknownElements, etc.

This project aims to help in creating elements and documents using familiar methods while being rather minimal.


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import { HTMLDocument } from '@shgysk8zer0/node-dom';
import { FORM_MULTIPART } from '@shgysk8zer0/consts/mimes';

const document = new HTMLDocument();
const base = document.createElement('base');
const main  = document.createElement('main');
const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
const a = document.createElement('a');
const div = document.createElement('div');
const img = document.createElement('img');
const script = document.createElement('script');
const link = document.createElement('link');
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const meta = document.createElement('meta');
const form = document.createElement('form');
const input = document.createElement('input');
const label = document.createElement('label');
const time = document.createElement('time');
const footer = document.createElement('footer');

document.title = 'Node Test';

base.href = 'https://example.com';

img.src = 'https://example.com/img.png';
img.id = 'logo';
img.alt = 'Logo';
img.loading = 'lazy';
img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
img.referrerPolicy = 'no-referrer';
img.height = 64;
img.width = 64;
img.dataset.fooBar = '42';
img.classList.add('block', 'card');

script.src = '/js/index.js';
script.defer = true;
script.type = 'module';
script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
script.referrerPolicy = 'no-referrer';
script.fetchPriority = 'high';

a.href = img.src;
a.download = img.src.split('/').at(-1);
a.title = 'A "d&ngerous" <filename>';
a.relList.add('noreferrer', 'noopener');
a.target = '_blank';


link.href = '/css/styles.css';
link.media = 'all';

iframe.src = 'https://events.kernvalley.us/embed/';

document.head.append(base, link, script);

meta.charset = 'utf-8';

frag.append(div, '&<<<<dangerous "content">', iframe);
main.append(frag, document.createElement('hr'));

form.name = 'test';
form.action = '/api';
form.method = 'POST';
form.encoding = FORM_MULTIPART;

input.name = 'foo';
input.id = 'input';
input.value = 'bar';
input.required = true;

label.htmlFor = input.id;
label.textContent = 'Some Text';

form.append(label, input);

const date = new Date();
time.dateTime = date.toISOString();
time.textContent = date.toLocaleString();



This DOM implementation is intentionally limited and mostly useful for constructing, not parsing or manipulating. It only aims to be able to create Elements & Documents that end up being saved or sent as strings.

Implementation Differences

  • All elements can be created using new SomeElement()
  • All elements return their outerHTML via toString()
  • Document has additional static createElement() & registerElement() methods
  • Attr.ownerElement is not read-only
  • There is no global document unless you create it (globalThis.document = new HTMLDocument())
  • The element classes are not attached to the global object either (e.g. no HTMLScriptElement)
  • Some property getters associated with attributes may return the wrong types when not set (e.g. '' instead of null or undefined)

Not Yet Implemented / Incorrect Implementations

  • Namespaces for attributes and elements (element.setAttributeNS())
  • Doctype will always be <!DOCTYPE html>
  • elememt.after(), element.before(), node.insertBefore(), node.insertAfter()
  • node.cloneNode(), node.isSameNode(), node.isEqualNode()
  • element.style not supported except as element.setAttribute('style', styleString)
  • aria* properties
  • Tables and many form/input properties and methods
  • Various properties, methods, and classes

Not Planned

  • DOMParser(), set innerHTML, or anything that requires parsing HTML
  • querySelector(), querySelectorAll(), element.matches(), element.closest(), etc.

Things that Do Not Make Sense Here

  • Various <canvas> methods
  • Animations
  • Form Validation
  • Dispatching events such as load, click, etc
  • Any properties or methods that depend on how a document is rendered (DOMRect, offset*, etc)
  • Scroll properties and methods
  • Custom Elements / Web Components / ShadowRoot

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