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PokeApi - Sdk - Speakeasy

This repo contains a very simple typescript sdk that can call two endpoints from pokeapi

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/{id or name}/ https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/generation/{id or name}/

for further details into the api, use this link: https://pokeapi.co/docs/v2#pokemon


install this repo as a module

yarn add @shine2lay/speakeasy-pokeapi-sdk


You'll first create an instance of PokeApi

import {PokeApi} from '@shine2lay/speakeasy-pokeapi-sdk';

const main = async () => {
    const pokeApi = new PokeApi({
        baseUrl: 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2',
        retry: {
            maxRetries: 3,
            retryDelay: 1000,
            retryDelayFactor: 2,
        logLevel: 'info',
    }) // note these are the default values

    const response = await pokeApi.api.Pokemon.get('pikachu')


Local Development

clone the repo and run

yarn install


yarn test


yarn lint


yarn build


We have two available endpoints https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/{id or name}/ https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/generation/{id or name}/

they are only available as get and list

pokeApi.api.Pokemon.get('pikachu' /* nameOrId */)
pokeApi.api.Pokemon.list(0 /* offset */, 20 /* limit */)

pokeApi.api.Generation.get(1 /* nameOrId */)
pokeApi.api.Generation.list(0 /* offset */, 20 /* limit */) 

Design Decisions

I will only mention relevant high level designs and thinking in this section.

Singleton Class / One Instance

I implemented the main exported class of PokeApi as a singleton allowing users to be able to import and use the same instance from anywhere in their codebase. A few reasons behind this:

  • Allow one single point of entry thus easier to make sure configuration and other data passed in is consistent
  • If the sdk later implement web sockets, we can make sure there is only one connection
  • Make sure cache and other resources are properly created and utilized without duplicates.

Code and Folder structure

Although, we only have two endpoint in this particular case, I wanted to at least set up a structure that would allow new endpoints to be added relatively easily. With the current structure, we should also be able to extend websocket and other connection type capability in a relatively straight forward manner.

Abstraction - Amalgamation

I did spend some time trying to think of ways we can potentially abstract / combine concepts to make it easier for devs to use. However, I did end up ultimately deciding to just straight forward approach of naming and calling the endpoints as they were designed in pokeapi. There are a few reasons for this:

  • This one is stemming from my personal experiences. When I am looking up api docs and if the API function call name is different from the endpoint described, It gets very confusing.
  • The api end points seems very straightforward, I had a hard time trying to think of abstractions that would make sense from a logical perspective. Which could also be because I don't know the intended users and their use cases for this specific sdk with only 2 endpoints.
  • I do think even if we add abstractions, we still should expose the raw endpoints for more advanced users.

Logging && Caching

I wanted to point out two tools/lib (aside from typical typescript scaffolding) I am utilizing

I chose Pino because it's easy to set up and allow easy configuration to know which level of logs to be viewed. The default is info but you can choose any level from


axios-cache-interceptor is a light-weight In-memory/Local Storage Cache. Which would be more than sufficient for purposes of this small sdk.

Potential Improvements


I implemented a straight forward version of pagination with offset and limit, but I think it might be nice if I could return the result of a query with an object that have next() function that will automatically fetch next page. It could be useful to not have to track the offsets.


Depending on the user and use cases, It might be nice to extract out abstractions that would make it easier to get related data to the object. This is a very rough idea of what I am thinking, assuming we are working with all endpoints rather than just the two required




Unit testing

I only managed to implement a few integration tests within the time limit, but I think it would be nice to have more unit tests to test the individual functions.




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  • shine2lay