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1.1.0 • Public • Published


Authentication middleware for Express.js that validates JWT Bearer Access Tokens.

CircleCI License npm codecov


This package supports Node ^12.19.0 || ^14.15.0 || ^16.13.0

npm install express-oauth2-jwt-bearer

Getting started

The library requires issuerBaseURL and audience, which can be configured with environmental variables:

const { auth } = require('express-oauth2-jwt-bearer');

... or in the library initialization:

const { auth } = require('express-oauth2-jwt-bearer');
      issuerBaseURL: 'https://YOUR_ISSUER_DOMAIN',
      audience: 'https://my-api.com'

... or for JWTs signed with symmetric algorithms (eg HS256)

const { auth } = require('express-oauth2-jwt-bearer');
      issuer: 'https://YOUR_ISSUER_DOMAIN',
      audience: 'https://my-api.com',
      secret: 'YOUR SECRET',
      tokenSigningAlg: 'HS256'

With this basic configuration, your api will require a valid Access Token JWT bearer token for all routes.

API Documentation

  • auth - Middleware that will return a 401 if a valid Access token JWT bearer token is not provided in the request.
  • requiredScopes - Check a token's scope claim to include a number of given scopes, raises a 403 insufficient_scope error if the value of the scope claim does not include all the given scopes.
  • claimEquals - Check a token's claim to be equal a given JSONPrimitive (string, number, boolean or null) raises a 401 invalid_token error if the value of the claim does not match.
  • claimIncludes - Check a token's claim to include a number of given JSONPrimitives (string, number, boolean or null) raises a 401 invalid_token error if the value of the claim does not include all the given values.
  • claimCheck - Check the token's claims using a custom method that receives the JWT Payload and should return true if the token is valid. Raises a 401 invalid_token error if the function returns false.


const {
} = require('express-oauth2-jwt-bearer');

// Initialise the auth middleware with environment variables and restrict
// access to your api to users with a valid Access Token JWT

// Restrict access to the messages api to users with the `read:msg`
// AND `write:msg` scopes  
    requiredScopes('read:msg', 'write:msg'),
    (req, res, next) => {
      // ...

// Restrict access to the admin api to users with the `isAdmin: true` claim
app.get('/api/admin', claimEquals('isAdmin', true), (req, res, next) => {
  // ...

// Restrict access to the managers admin api to users with both the role `admin`
// AND the role `manager`
    claimIncludes('role', 'admin', 'manager'),
    (req, res, next) => {
      // ...

// Restrict access to the admin edit api to users with the `isAdmin: true` claim
// and the `editor` role.
    claimCheck(({ isAdmin, roles }) => isAdmin && roles.includes('editor')),
    (req, res, next) => {
      // ...

Security Headers

Along with the other security best practices in the Express.js documentation, we recommend you use helmet in addition to this middleware which can help protect your app from some well-known web vulnerabilities by setting default security HTTP headers.

Error Handling

This SDK raises errors with err.status and err.headers according to rfc6750. The Express.js default error handler will set the error response with:

  • res.statusCode set from err.status
  • res.statusMessage set according to the status code.
  • The body will be the HTML of the status code message when in production environment, otherwise will be err.stack.
  • Any headers specified in an err.headers object.

The error_description in the WWW-Authenticate header will contain useful information about the error, which you may not want to disclose in Production.

See the Express.js docs on error handling for more information on writing custom error handlers.


See monorepo's contributing guidelines.

Support + Feedback

Please use the Issues queue in this repo for questions and feedback.

Vulnerability Reporting

Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.

What is Auth0?

Auth0 helps you to easily:

  • implement authentication with multiple identity providers, including social (e.g., Google, Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, etc), or enterprise (e.g., Windows Azure AD, Google Apps, Active Directory, ADFS, SAML, etc.)
  • log in users with username/password databases, passwordless, or multi-factor authentication
  • link multiple user accounts together
  • generate signed JSON Web Tokens to authorize your API calls and flow the user identity securely
  • access demographics and analytics detailing how, when, and where users are logging in
  • enrich user profiles from other data sources using customizable JavaScript rules

Why Auth0?


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.




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  • sirzeta