PageSpirit CMS package for Angular 5+
npm i --save @sitespirit/pagespirit
Minimum setup
The most basic implementation only gives you dynamic routes by providing a states object and api endpoint to the module:
import { PageSpiritModule, RouteLoader } from '@sitespirit/pagespirit';
Then put the PageSpiritModule inside your NgModule imports and provide the configuration object inside the forRoot method.
imports: [
states: {
content_page: { // State as named inside PageSpirit CMS
component: ContentComponent, // The Component to be loaded for the found route
items: { // The CMS data to be resolved before allowing the client access to the route
content: {
itemid: 1,
seo_main: true
apiEndpoint: '' // TeleSpirit or Cloudant(WIP) Api Endpoint
And add the RouteLoader to the end of your RouterModule.
imports: [
{ // Make sure this is the last index of the routes array
path: '**',
canActivate: [RouteLoader],
component: ErrorComponent
Static routes with dynamic data
import { RouteDataResolver } from '@sitespirit/pagespirit';
imports: [
path: '',
component: HomeComponent,
pathMatch: 'full',
data: {
items: { // The CMS data to be resolved before allowing the client access to the route
content: {
itemid: 1
language: 'nl', // Used for multi lingual websites
uniqueKey: 'home', // Used for multi lingual webistes
seo: { // SEO settings can be provided, but functionality is not working yet
nl: {
title: 'Title for this route' // WIP,
description: 'Description for this route' // WIP
resolve: { // When the RouteDataResolver is done fetching the data, the data will be available via ActivatedRoute in the component
stateData: RouteDataResolver
Get data without routing
Import the DataService in both the app.module as the component or service where you want to use it.
import { DataService } from '@sitespirit/pagespirit';
Provide the DataService in app.module.
providers: [DataService]
Example usage inside component or service:
constructor(private dataService: DataService)
content: { // you can add multiple properties to fetch more items
itemid: 1
).then(x => {
console.log(x); // here the data is available
app.component.ts (your root component)
Rehydration is a little weird at this stage, for some reason rehydrating a child module isnt working yet in Angular 5, so for now we have to subscribe to some observables from the PageSpiritModule to get this working:
The following code is to be placed in your root component:
import { DataService, RouteLoader } from '@sitespirit/pagespirit';
constructor(private transferState: TransferState, private dataService: DataService, private routeLoader: RouteLoader)
To be placed inside your constructor:
const PAGESPIRIT_ITEMS_STATE = makeStateKey('pagespirit_items');
const PAGESPIRIT_URLS_STATE = makeStateKey('pagespirit_urls');
let pagespiritItemsState = this.transferState.get(PAGESPIRIT_ITEMS_STATE, null as any);
this.dataService.items$.subscribe(x => {
this.transferState.set(PAGESPIRIT_ITEMS_STATE, x as any);
let pagespiritUrlsState = this.transferState.get(PAGESPIRIT_URLS_STATE, null as any);
this.routeLoader.transferObjSubject.asObservable().subscribe(x => {
this.transferState.set(PAGESPIRIT_URLS_STATE, x as any);
import { BrowserModule, BrowserTransferStateModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { DataService } from '@sitespirit/pagespirit';
imports: [
BrowserModule.withServerTransition({ appId: 'pagespirit' }),
providers: [DataService]
import { ServerModule, ServerTransferStateModule } from '@angular/platform-server';
imports: [