npm i @stellar-expert/formatter
- Convert value in stroops (Int64 amount) to the normal string representation
- Convert arbitrary stringified amount to Int64 representation
formatWithPrecision(value, precision = 7, separator = ',')
- Format a number with specified precision and decimals separator
formatWithAutoPrecision(value, separator = ',')
- Format a number using automatically determined precision and decimals separator
formatWithAbbreviation(value, decimals = 2)
- Convert a number to a human-readable format using abbreviation
formatWithGrouping(value, group)
- Format a number with rounding to specific precision group
formatPrice(value, significantDigits = 4)
- Format a number as price with specified significant digits precision
- Format amount according to default Stellar precision
- Convert rational price representation to float-point number
isValidInt64Amount(value, denominate = true, nonZero = false)
- Check if a provided value can be safely used as token amount in Stellar
shortenString(value, symbols = 8)
- Truncate strings longer than N symbols replacing characters in the middle with ellipsis
- Remove trailing zero symbols from a formatted numeric string
normalizeDate(date, autoUnixFormatDetection = true)
- Convert any timestamp representation to a valid date format
- Convert date to a numeric UNIX timestamp representation
- Convert date to ISO-like human-readable format
Run jest
with --experimental-vm-modules
NodeJS flag.