Ionic Vue Components
A collection of common components and helper functions used in mobile apps.
- Component naming convernsion is camelCase starting with capital letter -
- All form components must be in components folder
- Components must have a name and prop definition(s)
After creating a component expose it by including it in index.js, example
import MyComponent from "./components/MyComponent.vue";
export {
To use the component in your project, import { MyComponent } from "@stratech/vue-mobile";
and include it in the list of components for the page.
For detailed look at all the components and component structure.
git pull
npm i
npm run dev
Room service
npm run lint
List of components
- Default form (component | definition) - Generic standard form
- Credit card form (component | definition) - Specific credit card layout
- Accounts (component | definition) - Alternative payment cards layout
- Call to action (component | definition)
- Form review (component | definition)
- Full page list (component | definition) - Alternative unordered list, custom behavoir and styling
- IconH2 (component | definition) - (TODO: rename this to PageHeaderIcon)
- Loader (component | definition) - Show http request progress
- Login logo (component | definition)
- Mobile providers (component | definition) - (TODO: component data hardcoded)
- Money in-out (component | definition) - Used alongside payment cards, can be used alone
- Page footer (component | definition)
- Page header (component | definition)
- Payment cards (component | definition)
- Row helper text (component | definition)
- Tabs (component | definition)
- Transaction history (component | definition) - Alternative unordered list, custom behavoir and styling