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5.0.2 • Public • Published


obs-websocket-js allows Javascript-based connections to the Open Broadcaster plugin obs-websocket.

This is a fork of the original project available at haganbmj/obs-websocket-js.


npm install @streamdasher/obs-websocket-js --save

Typescript definitions are included in this package, and are automatically generated to match the latest obs-websocket release.



The web distributable exposes a global named OBSWebSocket.

<script type='text/javascript' src='./dist/obs-websocket.js'></script>

In node...

const OBSWebSocket = require('obs-websocket-js');

Create a new WebSocket connection using the following.

  • Address is optional; defaults to localhost with a port of 4444.
  • Password is optional.
const obs = new OBSWebSocket();
obs.connect({ address: 'localhost:4444', password: '$up3rSecretP@ssw0rd' });

Sending Requests

All requests support the following two Syntax options where both err and data will contain the raw response from the WebSocket plugin.
Note that all response objects will supply both the original obs-websocket response items in their original format (ex: 'response-item'), but also camelCased (ex: 'responseItem') for convenience.

  • RequestName must exactly match what is defined by the obs-websocket plugin.
  • {args} are optional. Note that both request-type and message-id will be bound automatically.
  • To use callbacks instead of promises, use the sendCallback method instead of send.
// Promise API
obs.send('RequestName', {args}) // returns Promise

// Callback API
obs.sendCallback('RequestName', {args}, callback(err, data)) // no return value

// The following are additional supported requests.
obs.connect({ address: 'address', password: 'password' }) // returns Promise

Receiving Events

For all events, data will contain the raw response from the WebSocket plugin.
Note that all response objects will supply both the original obs-websocket response items in their original format (ex: 'response-item'), but also camelCased (ex: 'responseItem') for convenience.

  • EventName must exactly match what is defined by the obs-websocket plugin.
const callback = (data) => {

obs.on('EventName', (data) => callback(data));

// The following are additional supported events.
obs.on('ConnectionOpened', (data) => callback(data));
obs.on('ConnectionClosed', (data) => callback(data));
obs.on('AuthenticationSuccess', (data) => callback(data));
obs.on('AuthenticationFailure', (data) => callback(data));

Handling Errors

By default, certain types of WebSocket errors will be thrown as uncaught exceptions. To ensure that you are handling every error, you must do the following:

  1. Add a .catch() handler to every returned Promise.
  2. Add a error event listener to the OBSWebSocket object. By default only errors on the initial socket connection will be caught. Any subsequent errors will be emit here and will be considered uncaught without this handler.
// You must add this handler to avoid uncaught exceptions.
obs.on('error', err => {
    console.error('socket error:', err);


See more examples in \samples.

const OBSWebSocket = require('obs-websocket-js');

const obs = new OBSWebSocket();
        address: 'localhost:4444',
        password: '$up3rSecretP@ssw0rd'
    .then(() => {
        console.log(`Success! We're connected & authenticated.`);

        return obs.send('GetSceneList');
    .then(data => {
        console.log(`${data.scenes.length} Available Scenes!`);

        data.scenes.forEach(scene => {
            if (scene.name !== data.currentScene) {
                console.log(`Found a different scene! Switching to Scene: ${scene.name}`);

                obs.send('SetCurrentScene', {
                    'scene-name': scene.name
    .catch(err => { // Promise convention dicates you have a catch on every chain.

obs.on('SwitchScenes', data => {
    console.log(`New Active Scene: ${data.sceneName}`);

// You must add this handler to avoid uncaught exceptions.
obs.on('error', err => {
    console.error('socket error:', err);


To enable debug logging, set the DEBUG environment variable:

# Enables debug logging for all modules of osb-websocket-js

# on Windows
set DEBUG=obs-websocket-js:*

If you have multiple libraries or application which use the DEBUG environment variable, they can be joined with commas:


# on Windows
set DEBUG=foo,bar:*,obs-websocket-js:*

Browser debugging uses localStorage

localStorage.debug = 'obs-websocket-js:*';

localStorage.debug = 'foo,bar:*,obs-websocket-js:*';

For more information, see the debug documentation.

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