Create a React tab compoent and related panel content from a single formatted structure
npm install @t7/tabs --save
import Tabs, { TabPanel } from '@t7/tabs'
import '@t7/tabs/dist/index.css'
/* create a "handler" if your appliction requires additional processing when tabs are selected */
const handleClick = (e, index, label) => {
<do something interesting>
`e` is the event,
'index' is the index of the tab in the order declared,
`label` is the text itself.
/* create your tabs as a single logical grouping */
<Tabs selected={0} handleClick={handleClick}>
<TabPanel label='Tab 1'>
Tab content for Tab 1
<TabPanel label='Tab 2'>
Tab content for Tab 2
<TabPanel label='Tab 3'>
Tab content for Tab 3
Note regarding the use of the required CSS
*if your build process will not resolve the CSS in a module copy the file @t7/tabs/dist/index.css
from the node_modules folder and reference the copy with an HTML link *
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<your stylesheet folder>/@t7/tabs/dist/index.css">