- Operato : Solution family brand of hatiolab.com(http://www.hatiolab.com)
- Board : Monitoring Solution
- nodejs version 12
$ yarn install && yarn upgrade
$ yarn serve:dev
- http://localhost:3000
- login with id/password (admin@hatiolab.com / admin)
operato-board installation script
create a folder for the application and change directory to your folder.
the script will download a& install operato-board
# install script for operato-board curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/things-factory/things-factory/master/packages/operato-board/installer/install.sh | bash -s
run 'start.sh' to start operato-board and 'stop.sh' to stop the running applicaton.
on initial start, run 'migrate.sh' first to migrate database.
# data migration $ ./start.sh $ ./migrate.sh $ ./stop.sh # restart with service port no. defualt uses 4000 $ ./start.sh 80
Edit bellowing data and send request to license manager(syj0130@hatiolab.com)
- Product Type : Things or Operato
- License Type : Production or Evaluation
- Purchase Date : License purchased date
- Expiration Date : License expiration Date
Host Address : host or UNLIMITED
host can be
- host: sub.scond-level.top-level
ex) board.hatiolab.com, *.hatiolab.com
- ip :
ex), 192.168.*.*,
- host: sub.scond-level.top-level
Max Target(Board) Count
- Board count by domain
- 0 means unlimited
Max Domain Count
- Max domain count in this host
- 0 means unlimited
"License Type": "Evaluation",
"Purchase Date": "2021.03.23",
"Expiration Date": "2021.06.30",
"Host Address": "UNLIMITED",
"Max Target Count": 0,
"Max Domain Count": 0,
"Key": ""
var licenseKey = require('./license').Key // import license file
module.exports = {
accessTokenCookieKey: 'access_token.board',
licenseKey: licenseKey // put license key value to here