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1.2.1 • Public • Published

NX Serverless

A full Serverless framework support, both executor & generator, for the NX environment.

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  • NX executor with a full support of the Serverless CLI.
  • NX generator to generate new serverless stacks (projects) out-of-the-box
    • Support npm, yarn and pnpm environments.
    • Support of serverless-esbuild, serverless-webpack, serverless-plugin-typescript.
  • Cold-start optimized setup using the Serverless & AWS best-practices.
  • Advanced setup & Fully documented serverless setup when using esbuild or webpack that optimized for both the local environment and cloud environments.


// npm
npm i -D @thyself/nx-serverless
// yarn
yarn add @thyself/nx-serverless -D
// pnpm
pnpm add @thyself/nx-serverless -D -w



Generating a new stack

Currently the generator supports the stack option. Then you will need to choose package manager and bundler.

  • package managers - Support all top package managers
    • Available package managers: pnpm, npm, yarn
  • bundler - Supports state-of-the-art fully configured serverless bundlers optimized for coldstart.
    • Available stack bundlers: webpack (serverless-webpack), esbuild (serverless-esbuild), tsc (serverless-plugin-typescript)

Generating new template GIF


According to the package manager and bundler you chose the template will be generated.

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The @thyself/nx-serverless fully supports all Serverless Framework CLI commands and options. The templates (project.json) by default generated with start-offline, package, deploy, print, and remove commands.

Configuring commands

If a commands in serverless CLI compounds from several arguments, concat them with dashes -, for example: serverless deploy list functions, for the executor is: deploy-list-functions

// project.json
// ...
targets: {
    // ...more targets
    "<target-name>": {
      "executor": "@thyself/nx-serverless:<serverless-cli-command>",
      "options": {
        "cwd": "<appsDir>/<stack-dir-name>",
        // ...more options
    // serverless deploy list functions
    "list-deployed-functions": {
      "executor": "@thyself/nx-serverless:deploy-list-functions",
      "options": {
        // Common appsDir is "stacks"
        "cwd": "<your-nx-workspaceLayout-appsDir>/<stack-dir-name>",
        // ...more options
    // ...more targets

Example #1: serverless offline start

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Example #2: serverless package

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VScode Debug (launch.json) Setup for NX

The setup can be configured both on the user's level launch settings or in the project's settings.

Recommended to installing nx and serverless globally.

// User's settings.json
// ...more options
    "launch": {
        "inputs": [
                "id": "nx-project-name",
                "description": "Enter NX project from workspace. e.g. my-package",
                "default": "my-app",
                "type": "promptString",
                "id": "nx-project-command",
                "description": "Enter project command from project.json. e.g. test/lint/build/etc.",
                "default": "my-command",
                "type": "promptString",
                "id": "command-flags",
                "description": "Enter flags to be attached to your command",
                "default": "",
                "type": "promptString",
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "Nx Debug", // check: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48273346/vscode-command-for-user-input-in-debug-launch-config
                "type": "node",
                "request": "launch",
                "runtimeExecutable": "nx",
                "args": [
                    // "--",
                    // "${input:command-flags}",
                "runtimeArgs": [
                "env": {
                    "SLS_DEBUG": "*",
                "skipFiles": [
                "restart": true,
                "outFiles": [
                "outputCapture": "std",
                "sourceMaps": true,
	            "smartStep": true,
                "resolveSourceMapLocations": [
                "pauseForSourceMap": true,
                "internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen"

Backwards Compatibility & Legacy Serverless versions

The entire plugin developed on newest versions of both nx@17 and serverless@3, and not tested on legacy environments, so it can't be guaranteed.

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npm i @thyself/nx-serverless

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  • the_offricial