📌 tack
tack is just a place to stick things that are needed cross-project. It is not meant to be a big/professional library like lodash. Instead, it contains useful utilities and algorithms we commonly need with boilerplate so we don't need to waste a bunch of time configuring rollup for each little module. Instead, the modules all house together in this package, and thanks to treeshaking, we can still load only what we need.
declare function assert(condition: any, message?: string): void;
Throw an assertion error with the given message if the condition is not true.
declare function findLast<T>(predicate: (it: T, index: number) => boolean, array: any[]): T;
Find the last item of an array that matches the predicate.
declare function head<T>(it: Iterable<T>): T;
Return the first item of an iterable.
declare function partition<T>(predicate: (item: T, index: number) => boolean, array: T[]): [T[], T[]];
Split an array into two arrays, ones that respectively contain all the items matching and not matching the predicate.
declare class TopologicalSort<T> {
nodes: Set<T>;
private edges;
addEdge(source: T, target: T): void;
sort(): T[];
visit(node: T, list: T[], permanent: Set<T>, temporary: Set<T>): void;
Get the object at the path
export declare function getAt<T, F = T>(path: string[], target: T): F;