
10.92.4 • Public • Published

TrueHome Listing UI

React components made for truehome listing and Landing

Developing a new component

All components have the following structure:

- index.js                  # Component default export
- ComponentName.jsx         # React Component
- ComponentName.css         # Component Styles
- stories.jsx               # Component stories for storybook
- ComponentName.test.jsx    # Component test

And they will be exported on src/index.js to be importable from other projects.

Running storybook

This project is build using storybook. This will allow to visualize and create the components on a graphical interface inside the browser. To start

npm run storybook

This will open a browser with storybook running. After you make a change and save it, and storybook will reload.

Commit message guidelines

Using standard commit messages allows us to use a myriad of tools to automate different tasks that should be manually made otherwise. The commit format is:

<type>: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer]

The type can have the following values:

  • Fix: Small changes on any file
  • Update: Small changes on any file
  • New: Implementing new components
  • Breaking: Big change that will break the previous version.

Any other commit type will be ignored by the tools and will not trigger any actions.

More about this can be read on conventionalcommits

Branch naming convention

  • Historical Branches
    • master
  • Feature Branches
    • feature/[my-branch-name]
  • Maintenance Branches
    • hotfix/[my-branch-name]

More about gitflow can be read on Git Flow Workflow




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npm i @truehome/landing-ui

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14.3 MB

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  • luicruz
  • rastukis_th
  • gamador.th