npm install --save @types/angularjs-dragula
This package contains type definitions for angularjs-dragula (
Files were exported from
import angular = require("angular");
import d = require("dragula");
declare module "angular" {
namespace dragula {
* This service exposes a few different methods with which you can interact with `dragula` in the Angular way.
interface DragulaService {
* Creates a `bag` scoped under `scope` and identified by `name`. You should provide the entire `drake` instance.
* Typically, the directive takes care of this step.
add(scope: IScope, name: string, drake: d.Drake): Bag;
* Returns the `bag` for a s`drake` instance
find(scope: IScope, name: string): Readonly<Bag> | undefined;
* Sets the `options` used to instantiate a `drake`.
* Refer to the documentation for `dragula` to learn more about the options themselves.
options(scope: IScope, name: string, options?: d.DragulaOptions): void;
* Destroys a `drake` instance named `name` scoped under `scope`.
destroy(scope: IScope, name: string): void;
* models to sync with
handleModels(scope: IScope, drake: d.Drake): void;
* Grouping of containers is called a bag.
interface Bag {
name: string;
drake: d.Drake;
declare function angularDragula(angular: angular.IAngularStatic): "dragula";
export as namespace angularDragula;
export = angularDragula;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 22:41:04 GMT
- Dependencies: @types/angular, @types/dragula
These definitions were written by Piotr Błażejewicz.