This package aims to provide a simple, reliable, and generic interface to consume channels-api powered WebSocket APIs.
- Promises encapsulating the request/response cycle
- Subscribe to updates with a callback
- Automatically reconnect when connection is broken (with backoff — thanks to reconnecting-websocket)
- Automatically restart subscriptions on reconnection
- Requests are queued until a connection is made (no need to wait for connection before sending requests)
npm install --save @usslc/channels-api
const channelsApi = require('channels-api');
const client = channelsApi.connect('wss://');
client.create('people', {name: 'Alex'}).then(person => {'Created:', person);
client.retrieve('people', 4).then(person => {'Retrieved person 4:', person);
client.update('people', 4, {name: 'Johannes'}).then(person => {'Changed name of person 4. Properties after change:', person);
client.delete('people', 4).then(() => {'Deleted person 4. No one liked them, anyway :)');
// Subscribe to updates to any person
const subscription = client.subscribe('people', 'update', person => {'A person was updated:', person);
// Stop listening for updates
// Subscribe to updates to person 1
const personalSubscription = client.subscribe('people', 'update', 1, person => {'Person 1 was updated:', person);
// Stop listening
// Make a generic request to a multiplexer stream
client.request('mystream', {key: 'value'}).then(response => {'Got mystream response, yo:', response);
The client can be customized by passing an object as the second argument to connect()
or createClient()
. The available options are described below.
const client = channelsApi.connect('wss://', {
preprocessPayload: (stream, payload, requestId) => {
// Modify payload any way you see fit, before it's sent over the wire
// For instance, add a custom authentication token:
payload.token = '123';
// Be sure not to return anything if you modify payload
// Or, you can overwrite the payload by returning a new object:
return {'this': 'is my new payload'};
preprocessMessage: (message) => {
// The "message" is the final value which will be serialized and sent over the wire.
// It includes the stream and the payload.
// Modify the message any way you see fit, before its sent over the wire.
message.token = 'abc';
// Don't return anything if you modify message
// Or, you can overwrite the the message by returning a new object:
return {stream: 'creek', payload: 'craycrayload'};
// Options to be passed to ReconnectingWebsocket
// See for more info
websocket: {
constructor: isGlobalWebSocket() ? WebSocket : null,
maxReconnectionDelay: 10000,
minReconnectionDelay: 1500,
reconnectionDelayGrowFactor: 1.3,
connectionTimeout: 4000,
maxRetries: Infinity,
debug: false,