
2.2.19-alpha.0 • Public • Published


UTU’s Trust API seamlessly serves up personalized recommendations for trusted service providers on sharing platforms to drive your conversion, satisfaction, retention, and viral acquisition.

More information about UTU

UTU Trust SDK provides web-components that access UTU’s Trust API and allows you simple integration with its services.

Find the repository here


  • Integration with UTU's Trust API
  • Compatible with React, Angular, Vue and other popular UI libs and frameworks
  • Shadow DOM
  • Customized styles, which are not interfere with global CSS rules on a page


$ npm install @ututrust/web-components

Configuration options

The SDK can be configured by dispatching an utuConfig event. It currently supports only one element: production (boolean).

If set to true, the SDK will connect to UTU's production API services. Otherwise (default), it will connect to UTU API testing services.

Use it like so, after the SDK has been loaded:

window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("utuConfig", { detail: { production: true } }));


You can find some working examples in the repository

Before running examples, run npm install in the root repository folder, then go to /packages/utu-web-components and execute npm run build command. After that local copy of @ututrust/web-components will be available in all examples.

It is advised to review Quickstart Vanilla JS first before checking another samples.

Quickstart Vanilla JS

Place <x-utu-root> custom tag. It is a parent component for recommendations:

<script src="../../utu-web-components/dist/index.js"></script>

<!-- Once UTU SDK is included on your page, -->
<!-- it registers custom tags: <x-utu-root> and <x-utu-recommendation> -->

<!-- <x-utu-root> handles recommendations loading from API. -->

<x-utu-root api-key="[place your utu api key here]">

The next step is defining recommendations <x-utu-recommendation>:

<x-utu-root api-key="[place your utu api key here]">
      <x-utu-recommendation recommendation-id="e541df40-74b6-478e-a7da-7a9e52778700" />

Quickstart React

Just import @ututrust/web-components and you are ready to start using UTU SKD.

import '@ututrust/web-components';

function App() {

  const offerIds = [

  return <div className="App">
      <x-utu-root api-key="<place your utu api key here>">
            offerIds.map(offerId =>
              <li key={offerId}>
                <x-utu-recommendation target-uuid={offerId} />

export default App;

Quickstart Vue

We need to tell Vue, that custom components are going to be used. This requires some WebPack configuration:

// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
      .tap(options => {
        return {
          compilerOptions: {
            ...(options.compilerOptions || {}),
            isCustomElement: tag => tag.startsWith('x-')

Once you import @ututrust/web-components, <x-utu-root> and <x-utu-recommendation> are ready to use.

  <div class="offers">
    <x-utu-root ref="utu-root" api-key="[place your utu api key here]">
        <li v-for="offerId in offerIds" :key="offerId">
          <x-utu-recommendation :target-uuid="offerId" />

import "@ututrust/web-components";

export default {
  name: "Recommendations",
  data: function () {
    return {
      offerIds: ["e541df40-74b6-478e-a7da-7a9e52778700"]

Quickstart Angular

Add CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA to module schemas

// app.module.ts
import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule { }

Import @ututrust/web-components. We assume offer ids are in offerIds to your component.

// app.module.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import '@ututrust/web-components';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  offerIds = ['e541df40-74b6-478e-a7da-7a9e52778700']

Add template:

<!-- app.component.html -->
<div class="content" role="main">
  <x-utu-root api-key="[place your utu api key here]">
      <li *ngFor="let offerId of offerIds">
        <x-utu-recommendation [target-uuid]="offerId"></x-utu-recommendation>

Mocking API Response

To mock an UTU API response, specify api-url of <x-utu-root>:

  <x-utu-root api-key="[place your utu api key here]" api-url="/api-mocks/ranking.json">
    <ul id="list"></ul>

Example of a JSON file can be find at /packages/utu-web-components/src/api-mock

Local Development

Development stack:

preactjs allows developing React-like components with state management, hooks and JSX, however its size is about 4kb only, which is create for lib development.

To convert React-like component into web component, we use this approach.

Follow steps below to start local development of UTU Trust SDK.

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Start watch mode with preview in a browser

$ npm start

Production build

$ npm run build

Run tests in watch mode

$ npm run test

Check lint errors and fix them if possible

$ npm run lint

Create tar npm package, so it can be later installed as npm dependency.

$ npm pack

This will generate a .tgz file at the directory’s root with a structure like this: {name}-{version}.tgz. You can install this package with command like this:

$ npm install <path to the package>/utu-web-components-1.0.0.tgz




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npm i @ututrust/web-components

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  • bastian_utu
  • yannickau
  • johndickerson-utu
  • kevinkimiti
  • jebitok12