Usage examples
If you don't have an existing session, you can create one:
ngOnInit(): void {
this.client.login('username', 'org', 'pa$$w0rd').subscribe(() => {
console.log(`logged into ${this.client.organization} as ${this.client.username}`);
If you already have an existing session (because you're acting as a UI extension and have access to the authentication token for example) you can simply set the authentication of the client instance to use the Bearer token:
ngOnInit(): void {
this.client.setAuthentication(bearerToken).subscribe(() => {
console.log(`logged into ${this.client.organization} as ${this.client.username}`);
Querying the API
The query builder can be used to quickly create API calls that are compatible with the query service:
tap(queryResult => console.log(`Virtual centers: ${}`))