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14.0.16 • Public • Published


Provides access to a database that can be queried through a WebSQL-like API (https://www.w3.org/TR/webdatabase/). The database is persisted across restarts of your app.

API documentation

Installation in managed Expo projects

For managed Expo projects, please follow the installation instructions in the API documentation for the latest stable release.

Installation in bare React Native projects

For bare React Native projects, you must ensure that you have installed and configured the expo package before continuing.

Add the package to your npm dependencies

npx expo install expo-sqlite

Configure for Android

No additional set up necessary.

Configure for iOS

Run npx pod-install after installing the npm package.


Contributions are very welcome! Please refer to guidelines described in the contributing guide.

Updating bundled SQLite3

To update bundled SQLite3 and SQLCipher source code under vendor/, you can use the helper scripts:

# You should clone expo/expo git repository first
$ cd packages/expo-sqlite

# Download and build sqlite3.[ch]
# For example, to use sqlite 3.45.3 and sqlcipher 4.6.0
$ ./scripts/prepare_sqlite.ts vendor/sqlite3 3.45.3
$ ./scripts/prepare_sqlite.ts vendor/sqlcipher 4.6.0 --sqlcipher

# Replace sqlite3 symbols to prevent conflict with iOS system sqlite3
$ ./scripts/replace_symbols.ts vendor/sqlite3
$ ./scripts/replace_symbols.ts vendor/sqlcipher

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npm i @vostmarkh/expo-sqlite

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  • vostmarkh