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Feathers helpers and components for Vue

Getting Started

npm install @vue-feathers/vue-feathers

You'll need to set up a feathers client in your app. Each client is different. This example client uses SocketIO and feathers-reactive for real-time events.

Example Feathers Client
import feathers from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import socketio from '@feathersjs/socketio-client'
import reactive from 'feathers-reactive'
import io from 'socket.io-client'

const socket = io('http://localhost:3030', {transports: ['websocket']})

export const feathersClient = feathers()

Then import and install the vue-feathers plugin

import Vue from 'vue'
import feathersClient from 'path/to/your/feathers/client'
import VueFeathers from '@vue-feathers/vue-feathers'

Vue.use(VueFeathers, { feathersClient })


Just put the above code in a js file and register it in nuxt.config.js as a plugin.

The Feathers Client: $F

The plugin registers the feathers client on all Vue components under this.$F, so in a component you could fetch and display all users like so:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      users: [], // Initialize for storing fetched users 
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    findUsers() {
        .find()               // Find all users.
        .then(users => {      // When the data arrives... 
          this.users = users  // store it.


The above scenario is so common that I wrapped it in a mixin. Using the same example with the same HTML:

import { mixins } from '@vue-feathers/vue-feathers'
const usersMixin = mixins.ListsMixin(['users']) // takes a list of service names

export default {
  mixins: [usersMixin], // handles the data hookup and provides some useful methods
  mounted() {
    this.find('users') // or use this.findAll() to fetch all at once

This approach scales nicely:

const mixin = mixins.ListsMixin(['users', 'groups', 'roles', 'permissions', 'profiles'])

export default {
  mixins: [mixin],
  mounted() {

Real-Time Data

feathers-reactive provides data stream interfaces that we can tap into. Assuming your feathers client has feathers-reactive installed, you can make a reactive list for the users example above like so:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      users: [], // Initialize for storing fetched users
      subscription: null, // Initialize for storing the subscription to the 'users' endpoint 
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    sub(query) {
      this.unsub() // Unsub before sub in case component is remounted (ex. hot reload in dev mode)
      this.subscription = this.$F.service('users')
        .watch() // Watch 'users' for changes.
        .find({ query })  // On change, fetch all records.
        .subscribe(users => { // Whenever data arrives... 
          this.users = users  // store it.
    unsub() {
      if (this.subscription) {
        this.subscription = null

And again I provide a mixin to simplify:

import {mixins} from '@vue-feathers/vue-feathers'
const usersMixin = mixins.StreamsMixin(['users'])

export default {
  mixins: [usersMixin],
  mounted() {
    this.sub('users', { /* optional query goes here */ }) 
    // or use this.subAll(query) to subscribe to all at once

And it scales in the same manner as the ListsMixin.

Data Provider Components

Here's where the magic happens. These data providers dynamically fetch and provide data via scoped slots.


  • they render no DOM, like <template> and <slot> elements
  • :class and such do nothing on these components

Observable Stream

Subscribes to a query on an endpoint. Use the paginated prop to indicate if the endpoint returns a paginated response.

Provides an object of the form { stream, loading, refresh, pagination }. (See Scoped Props below for details.)

<observable-stream paginated endpoint="users" :query="{ active: true }">
  <template v-slot="{ stream, loading, refresh, pagination }">
    <pre v-for="record in stream">{{ record }}</pre>    

Scoped Props

  • stream is an array of DB records, defaulting to an empty array before data arrives
  • loading is false when requested data has been fetched, true when waiting for requested data
  • refresh is a function that resets the stream and re-fetches data
  • pagination is data is present when "paginated" is set to true on observable-stream

Observable Streams (deprecated)

Subscribes to a set of endpoint queries given an object of the form { endpoint: query, ... }.

Provides an object of the form { endpoint: stream,... }.

<observable-streams :queryset="{ users: { active: true } }">
  <template v-slot="{ users }">
    <pre>{{ users }}</pre>

Observable Object (deprecated)

Fetches the first element of the provided query from a single endpoint.

<observable-object endpoint="users" :query="{ username: 'moot' }">
  <div v-slot="{ object }">



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