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Spor Design tokens

This is where you'll find the Spor design system's design tokens.

Not documented yet

It's terrible, we know. We're working on creating a documentation site as we speak, so hopefully you'll be able to read up on our tokens soon.

Until then, you can check out the Figma files for more details (not publicly available).

What are design tokens?

Design tokens are any discrete value found in a design. Put in physical terms, they are the quarks of atomic design. Examples are colors, fonts, font sizes, spacing, breakpoints and so forth.

Uniting all of these values in a single structure, and applying those values across all tools applications, ensures a high level of consistency.

You can read more about design tokens and what problem they solve here.

What tokens are there?

We have a variety of tokens, and we suggest you explore the different types of tokens in the source folder. That being said, the main groups are:


There are a lot of colors in our palette, and the colors are structured into a few useful groups. You can find the complete palette in colors/palette, and the more rememberable aliases for those colors on colors/

There are several more, like colors/main for our main color palette (most colors should come from here), and colors/text for colors used in typography.


The depth category includes drop shadows and z-indexes (elevation), grouped by regular use cases.


The font category includes all font families and styles - including matching line heights, font weights and so forth.


You'll find our spacing scale in sizes, along with border radii, breakpoints, font sizes, line heights and strokes.

Spacing values are available as t-shirt sizes (md, 2xl etc), and pixel values (16px, 32px etc.) under size/spacing and size/spacing-px, respectively. Use the one you're most accustomed to (but try to standardize on one in a single app!)


The timings category contains all transition timings and easing functions.


Design tokens can be consumed through a variety of technologies.

JavaScript / TypeScript

Install the package with npm install @vygruppen/spor-design-tokens.

import tokens from "@vygruppen/spor-design-tokens";

const background = tokens.colors.brand.darkGrey;


Install the package with npm install @vygruppen/spor-design-tokens.

All values are available as CSS custom properties. If you're using Webpack, you can use the tokens like this:

@import "~@vygruppen/spor-design-tokens/lib/tokens.css";

.hero {
  font-family: var(--font-styles-xxl-font-family);
  line-height: var(--font-styles-xxl-line-height);
  font-size: var(--font-styles-xxl-font-size-mobile);


Install this package with npm install @vygruppen/spor-design-tokens.

All values are available as SCSS variables.

@import "~@vygruppen/spor-design-tokens/lib/tokens";

.hero {
  font-family: $font-styles-xxl-font-family;
  line-height: $font-styles-xxl-line-height;
  font-size: $font-styles-xxl-font-size-mobile;

  @media screen and (min-width: $size-breakpoint-lg) {
    font-size: $font-styles-xxl-font-size-desktop;


Install this package with npm install @vygruppen/spor-design-tokens.

All values are available as LESS variables.

@import "~@vygruppen/spor-design-tokens/lib/tokens";

.hero {
  font-family: @font-styles-xxl-font-family;
  line-height: @font-styles-xxl-line-height;
  font-size: @font-styles-xxl-font-size-mobile;

  @media screen and (min-width: @size-breakpoint-lg) {
    font-size: @font-styles-xxl-font-size-desktop;


Install using elm install nsbno/spor-design-tokens-elm.

You can view the documentation at packages.elm-lang.org.

I want to contribute!

First off - thank you 🎉 Contributing to our design tokens is what keeps them alive.

To get started, clone the repository, change into your new directory, and run npm install to download all the files required.

To generate the tokens, run npm run build. They will show up in the build/ directory. Verify that all tokens look good before creating a pull request.

We use Style Dictionary to generate consumable design tokens. You can find all our tokens in the tokens/ folder, in discrete .json files.

Committing code

This repo uses Conventional Commits to structure our commits into semantically versioned releases.

To enforce this, we use a tool called commitizen. This helps you write neat looking, conformant commit messages in no time at all. To commit with commitizen, install it globally with npm i -g commitizen, or run it via npm with npx cz (or npm run cz).




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  • leiferikbjorkli
  • alice.clausen
  • teresita-halvorsen